White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2001  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present: Paul Kite (delayed arrival\), Bill Patterson, Butch Sutton and Chuck Shufflebarger.

District Board Members Absent: Jon Raker.

District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker, Carey Slauter, Scott Cassin and Kim Clawson.

Corporation Board Members Present:  Scott Alexander

Corporation Employees Present:  Mike Combs, James Engmark and Don Young.

Others Present: Tricia Leminger, Eric Reedy, and Steve Alexander.


1.        Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Butch Sutton.  Minutes from the September meeting were read.  After discussion, September minutes will be amended as follows:

Item #8, regarding staffing of open shifts.  This is a scheduling policy which Chief Tibbetts should handle.  – Deleted.

Item #9, regarding problems with Kim’s retirement funds. – Amend to include problems with Chief Tibbetts’ retirement as well.

Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Butch to accept the September 5 minutes with these two changes.  No further discussion.  All in favor and motion carries. 

2.        Eric Reedy gave financial update. 

Cumulative Fund                    355,128
            Debt Fund                             250,335
            General Fund                       -238,289
            2000 Capital Fund                  60,041

Eric anticipates receiving CAGIT money around November 1for approximately $350,000.

 3.        Update on Station 53 issues.

  1. There is a misunderstanding on the electrical package regarding what has been paid and not paid (re: change orders).  Per Steve Alexander, approximately $1800.
  2. Most serious issues are those regarding requirements from Johnson County, which Steve Alexander assured everyone were being addressed.
  3. Fosters Excavating is willing to perform ditch clean out at no charge.
  4. Currently in negotiations with Campbells Excavating regarding drainage requirements.
  5. Steve Alexander requested a meeting with Eric Reedy prior to the District next meeting which is November 7th.
  6. Eric Brown mentioned that we are still having rain coming under bay doors and we believe that the shower faucets were improperly installed.  Paul asked Steve to provide us with the manufacturing specifications regarding the faucets.
  7. Eric Brown also mentioned that ice stops will be needed for this building, but were not included in the original bid.  They will cost approximately $2,900.  Eric Brown and Paul Kite will meet to finalize this issue.
  8. Brian Bosma has a meeting at this station on October 17th with Walker Construction and Steve Alexander to review roof issues.
  9. Eric Brown mentioned that Johnson County is still waiting for a dumpster screen and pad to be installed.
  10. There is one pay out remaining for this project, but will be postponed until all issues are resolved.
  11. [Attachment A] – Station 53 status report from Steve Alexander.  (Page 2 – Pangere $700 should be $600).
  12. [Attachment B] – Letter from Brian Bosma to Stephanie Campbell regarding various issues.

4.        Chief Tibbetts gave an update on the wrecked engine.

  1. He attended a meeting last Friday where our request for $128,500 in BIF money was approved.
  2. Insurance has settled with us for an amount of $92,000.  Eric Reedy has already deposited that money.
  3. We have a purchase offer of $3,250 as is.
  4. It is currently at Stoops Freightliner and they want us to get it off of their lot.
  5. We are owed $2,100 for the number of days the manufacturer was late on Engine 53.
  6. Chief Tibbetts requested permission to order a new engine.  If we order it immediately, we can have it in approximately four months at a cost of $265,000.
  7. Eric Reedy stated that we will need to have an additional appropriation to spend the money and he will need time to review the status of the Cumulative Fund after the final pay out for Station 53.
  8. Motion by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to authorize Chief Tibbetts to sell the wrecked engine for no less than $3,250.  All in favor and motion carries.

5.        The volunteer corporation Board of Directors (BOD) was asked to meet with their membership and review options regarding reorganizing the corporation for staffing and overtime purposes.  The BOD  submitted a request to their attorney, Joe Pitcher, who advised them that he didn’t think reorganizing this way would alleviate their liability.  The BOD then requested that Joe contact Brian Bosma so that they can resolve the remaining questions.  BOD President Scott Alexander reported that he has left two voice mail messages for Joe but has not received a return phone call so he doesn’t know if Joe and Brian have met yet.  Scott also reported that Joe did not feel that having the corporation employees sign a waiver (for benefits, etc.) would remove the liability either. 

6.        The salary schedule for 2002 was reviewed.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Chuck to adopt this salary schedule.  All in favor and motion passes.  [Attachment E]

 7.        Eric Reedy distributed copies of the year to date Appropriation Report  [Attachment C].  After discussion, Paul requested that Eric mail all District Board members a copy of the Cumulative Fund report so that decisions can be made at the next meeting regarding purchase of a new engine.

 8.        We have received notification that Mike Dutton will begin making restitution immediately.

 9.        Eric Reedy distributed copies of the revised Financial Plan.  [Attachment D]

 10.     Chief Tibbetts requested permission to make conditional offers of employment to four candidates currently on the Lieutenant’s hiring list, for a hire date of January 1.  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to allow Chief Tibbetts permission to make those conditional offers of employment.  All in favor and motion carries.

 11.     No further new business.  Meeting adjourned. 

Next District Board meeting will be November 7, 2001 at station 53 at 7:00 p.m.