White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2001  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present: Paul Kite (delayed arrival\), Bill Patterson, Jon Raker, Butch Sutton and Chuck Shufflebarger.

District Board Members Absent: none.

District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts & Eric Brown (no others recorded)

Corporation Board Members Present:  not recorded.

Corporation Employees Present:  James Engmark (no others recorded)

Others Present: Tricia Leminger and Eric Reedy. 


1.        Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Butch Sutton.  Minutes from the August meeting were read.  No discussion, questions or comments.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Chuck to approve the minutes as written.  No further discussion and motion carries.  

2.        Eric Reedy gave financial update. 

Cumulative Fund                   314,186
Debt Fund                             250,305
General Fund                        105,001
2000 Capital Fund                459,520
Escrow                                   36,913

 3.        Chief Brown gave an update on Station 53.

  1. Johnson County Planning & Zoning is requiring some extra landscaping.
  2. Discussion on problems with Walker Construction and Campbell Excavating.  Prince Alexander is addressing these issues.

4.        Chief Tibbetts gave an update on the status of the wrecked engine. 

5.        Minutes for fire loan reflected that there was going to be a public meeting.  Public meeting opened. Eric Reedy stated that he would have update on financial report for the cumulative fund for the October meeting. 

6.        Arrangement made w/Chief Dutton for payment of $100 per month until his account is paid out.  Board agreed to an 8% interest on that agreement.  Motion made for Jon to execute the Promissory Note.  Bill 2nd.  All in favor and motion carries.

7.        Chief Tibbetts addressed the $38/day ride out pay for the Lieutenants while they ride out for the Battalion Chiefs.  The Board asked that Chief Tibbetts give the board an estimate on vacation, personal leave, perfect attendance days, etc.  Further discussion postponed until October meeting.

8.        It has been noted that the retirement money for Chief Tibbetts and Kim is not being deposited in their Aetna accounts.  Eric Reedy will check into this. 

9.        Chief Brown addressed the lighting strike that occurred station 51 recently.  Approximate damages at this time are $12,000.  Chief Brown will be meeting with the insurance adjustor tomorrow. 

10.     No further new business.  Meeting adjourned by Butch.  

** September meeting minutes recorded by Eric Brown.