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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
August 9, 2001 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, Butch Sutton and Chuck Shufflebarger.
District Board Members Absent: Jon Raker.
District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Board
Members Present: none.
Employees Present: James Engmark, Carey Slauter, Mike Combs, Don Young, and Tim
Others Present: Brian Bosma and Eric Reedy.
Meeting called to order at 7:14 p.m. by Butch Sutton, who stated that
Chairman Paul Kite would be running a few minutes late.
Minutes from the July 10 meeting were read.
No discussion, questions or comments.
Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to approve the minutes as
written. No further discussion and
motion carries. Minutes from the July 25 meeting were read.
No discussion, questions or comments.
Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to approve the minutes as
written. No further discussion and
motion carries.
2. Eric Reedy gave financial update.
Cumulative Fund
Debt Fund
General Fud
2000 Capital Fund
1997 Capital Fund
1998 Capital Fund
<Paul Kite arrives.>
3. Station 51 sewer project is finally completed!
4. Station 53 update.
The recent hiring process has been completed.
Only two people applied for the Battalion Chief position, with candidate
Carey Slauter finishing highest. Though
there were nine applicants for the Lieutenant list, only seven completed the
entire process and will go onto the list that begins February 1, 2002.
Brian stated that he has seen the application packet, which was the same
as used for the 10/99 process, and has no problems or issues with it.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to make a conditional offer
of employment to candidate Carey Slauter for the position of Battalion Chief.
All in favor and motion carries. Chief
Tibbetts will make the offer tomorrow.
Chief Tibbetts gave an update on the status of the wrecked fire engine.
Preliminary repair costs at this time are $103,334.
They have not yet checked the drive train, transfer case, pump or motor.
Just checking these items will cost $1600.
We must reach $210,000 to completely total the truck out.
Regardless of the outcome, everyone agreed that we do NOT want this truck
back. Chief Tibbetts would
like to pursue having the truck checked to better determine the final
damage cost. If it is
possible, Chief Tibbetts would like to combine the money from the insurance
company with the money we are receiving from the Build Indiana Fund and purchase
a 2nd fire engine. Motion
by Butch and 2nd by Bill to allow Chief Tibbetts to authorize up to
$1600 out of the cumulative fund if necessary in order to continue the
inspection of the wrecked fire engine. All in favor and motion carries.
Eric Reedy stated that before any permanent decisions are made regarding
the purchase of a new engine, he must evaluate our current financial situation
with regards to cash on hand and the timing of the payout for the engine we will
be receiving in another week or so.
Presentation of the Fire Loan Resolution to allow for the purchase of an
engine and two staff vehicles. Motion
by Bill and 2nd by Butch to amend tonight’s meeting agenda, under
new business, to include a public hearing on the resolution to incur
indebtedness. All in favor and
motion carries. Agenda will be
amended accordingly.
Public hearing on the Fire Loan Resolution to incur indebtedness
concurrent to advertising placed. Total
resolution not to exceed $400,000 for the purchase of one new fire engine and
two new staff vehicles. No
discussion received. Public hearing
closed. Motion by Butch and 2nd
by Chuck to accept and approve the resolution as presented.
All in favor and motion carries. Resolution
Eric Reedy stated that he would like a meeting with Paul Kite and Chief
Tibbetts to resolve the cumulative fund issues.
He will submit a report at the September 5th meeting.
Final presentation of the Letter of Understanding to Chief Mike Tibbetts.
All parties have reviewed this letter and have no issues with it. Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Butch to accept the
letter between Mike Tibbetts and the District Board.
All in favor an motion carries. Letter
2002 Budget presented. No
discussion received. Motion by Bill
and 2nd by Chuck to accept the budget as presented.
All in favor and motion carries.
Brief review of Brian’s suggestions for reorganizing the Volunteer
Corporation. Butch recommends that
Scott Alexander, who is the current president of that board, petition this board
to request the reorganization action. All
agreed and Chief Tibbetts will convey this to Scott.
We are anticipating a January 1 start date for implementing any new
changes agreed upon.
Brian stated that the letter that the Board instructed him to draft to
Mike Dutton regarding payroll tax issues has been finalized.
After a final review by members present, it will be sent.
Chief Thacker stated that he would like the Board to begin thinking about
making conditional offers of employment soon for the four Lieutenant positions
we are going to fill after January 1. It
is important to get an early start on it now so we are not rushing through the
PERF process. The Board stated that we cannot deviate from the current list
at this time and instructed Chief Thacker to send letters to those candidates
still on the list. The letter would
state that the candidate is still on an active list and if they are still
interested in employment with our agency to let Chief Thacker know.
Chief Brown stated that he just received notification from ISO that we
have raised our rating from a 7 to a 4. This is an incredibly significant achievement for our
District and our community.
16. No further business. Meeting adjourned