White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2001  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Bill Patterson and Chuck Shufflebarger.

District Board Members Absent: Jon Raker and Butch Sutton.

District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker and Kim Clawson.

Corporation Board Members Present:  Scott Alexander.

Corporation Employees Present:  none.

Others Present: Brian Bosma and Eric Reedy.  Community member, Larry Robinson, present only during budget discussion.


1.       Meeting called to order at 7:08 p.m.  Minutes from the July 10 meeting were tabled until August 9 meeting. 

2.        Paul Kite gave financial update. 

Cumulative Fund                  484,654
Debt Fund                           250,335
General Fud                        156,850
2000 Capital Fund              135,162
2000 Escrow                        53,244
1997 Capital Fund                25,443
1998 Capital Fund                21,634
                TOTAL           1,127,322 

3.        Brian passed out copies of a letter he has mailed to Don Courteau regarding the construction problems with station 53.   ATTACHMENT A.   Chief Brown stated that Prince Alexander has not yet paid Campbell’s Excavating for any work performed.  They have called twice threatening us with a property lien.  Brian stated that he would call Campbell’s himself to try to work this out and explain some of the problems we are having with Prince Alexander. 

4.        Brian stated that he has been working on the Station 53 sewer project / drip system.  They have agreed to our requests in the new contract and all is progressing well. 

5.        Brian talked about the options for the Volunteer Corporation options regarding the 40 hour overtime work week rule.  ATTACHMENT B.  He stated that the most feasible option would be to dissolve the existing volunteer corporation and have the District re-form a different corporation.  The District Board would appoint 3 out of 5 of the members, who would be directly responsible to the District Board.  The members would be required to sign a release stating that they will not request benefits.  A copy of that type of release is also part of Attachment B.  Brian stated that it is important that the corporation members be comfortable with abolishing the old corporation (sentimentality reasons) and reforming a new corporation.  Scott Alexander was directed to contact the members of the corporation and determine their feelings regarding this.  Brian offered to help with the presentation.  He also requested that Scott provide him with a copy of their current Articles of Incorporation and By Laws. 

6.        The 2002 Budget was presented for public hearing.  ATTACHMENTS C & D (proposed budget & overview).  After Eric Reedy presented the budget, the meeting was opened up for discussion or comments regarding the proposed budget.  No questions, discussion or comments from either the Board of Directors or the public.  The adoption meeting will be held on August 9 at this same location.  We will revisit the budget prior to voting on it. 

7.        Chief Tibbetts discussed the recent accident involving Engine 51.  We are still waiting on hearing from the adjustor. 

8.        Chief Thacker stated that the Apparatus Committee recently traveled to the factory for a pre-paint inspection on the new Engine.  They are anticipating that the truck will be completed and available for pick up around August 7th or 8th.  Chief Thacker will get a copy of the contract from Brian Bosma and send to Eric Reedy. 

9.        Discussion on co-staffing a fire station with Bargersville Fire.  Everyone agreed that there are many good possibilities with this type of arrangement, however there are also some significant hurdles to overcome prior to this being accomplished. 

10.     Brian stated that he should have a finalized Inter Local Agreement with the City of Indianapolis within the next two weeks.  He stated that in the future when we need something new, we can either go out to bid then reject them all and go with Indianapolis or we can go straight to the Indianapolis bid if we feel it will be the best deal.  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to approve the Inter Local Agreement with the City of Indianapolis, which will allow us to purchase supplies and equipment through their bid.  All in favor and motion carries.  ATTACHMENT E. 

11.     Chief Thacker stated that the Battalion Chief/Lieutenant process is in its final stages and a list will be compiled soon.  This Battalion’s hiring list will go into effect immediately and the Lieutenant’s hiring list will go into effect when the current list expires in February, 2002.  He also stated that a candidate for the current Battalion Chief vacancy will be announced at the August 9th meeting and the District will be requested to take action. 

12.     Brian presented the Board members with a copy of the letter that he has drafted to former Fire Chief Mike Dutton regarding his final payroll check, and the taxes that he instructed Accu Pay to not withhold.  ATTACHMENT F.  He did not leave a forwarding address on file.  Kim stated that the Department has mailed letters certified before and in some instances they have followed the forwarding order at the post office.  Brian stated he would try that first. 

13.     Brian also presented the Board members with a copy of the Letter of Understanding he has drafted for Chief Mike Tibbetts.  Please review this and if you have any questions or comments please forward them to Brian as soon as possible.  He will bring the finalized letter to the August 9 District meeting. 

14.     Purchase of new engine tabled until we find out how it will affect the CAGIT.  The Build Indiana Fund money for $128,000 for an engine is for a new truck.  The truck that is currently being finished at the factory was part of the Station 53 loan price. 

15.     Brian will handle advertising for the new fire equipment loan that would allow us to purchase a new engine and two staff vehicles in a total amount not to exceed $400,000.  Brian will bring the resolution with him to the August 9th meeting, at which time the Board can choose to act on it or table it.