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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
April 11, 2001 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, Chuck Shufflebarger, Jon Raker and Butch Sutton.
District Board
Members Absent: none.
District Employees Present: Mike
Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Board
Members Present: Scott
Corporation Employees Present: Jeff Wilson
Others Present: Eric Reedy, Mark Colucci, Jeff Stainfield, John Poe, Christy Kemp, Steve Alexander.
Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m. Minutes from March 6th board meeting were reviewed.
One change noted by Kim. Minutes
show Mike Combs attending as a Corporation Board Member and he is not on the
Board. Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to accept minutes
with change as noted. All in favor
and motion passes.
2. Eric Reedy gave financial update:
Capital Outlay 582,511
1998 Fire Loan
1997 Capital Fund
Cumulative Fund
Debt Fund
General Fund
** Eric stated that it is okay to have a negative balance in the General Fund as long as it is positive by the end of the year.
3. Discussion on Station 53.
a) John Poe gave update.
- Interior painting will be done by next week. Afterwards, floor coverings then finishes, will be completed.
- Carpeting upstairs will be completed by the end of next week.
- Milestone will be here at the end of this week for paving.
- Per Steve Alexander, next month’s district meeting will be in the new building. The punch list will be completed within three weeks.
- MPI is still waiting for electricity to be ran to the tower before they can finish constructing it.
- The cupola is still in the process of being finished.
There are substantial water leaks from the lower part of the roof valley.
John stated that they are working those out on
a ‘day to day’ basis. And
that they would be fixed ‘one way or the other’ by project completion.
Discussion on station 53’s budget. Attachments A & B. One
of the major expenses that was not budgeted for was moving the HVAC units which
resulted in truss changes and additional duct work.
Eric Reedy will schedule the additional appropriation to be discussed at
the June meeting. ELC Electrical Contractor will be providing an itemized list
for their expense of $8,000.
Steve Alexander suggested that the Board consider adding rubber tread to
the stairs. It is currently in the
plans as carpet, but could pose a safety issue for personnel.
Motion by Jon and 2nd by Bill to approve the cost of $2,725
submitted by Chance Brothers to install rubber tread to the stairs.
All in favor and motion carries.
Motion by Bill and 2nd by Butch to approve the electrical work
for the three air vac systems at a total cost of $1,879.
All in favor and motion carries.
Steve Alexander stated that this would be part of the $8,000 in ELC’s
Discussion on Chief Dutton’s severance issues.
After Eric Reedy reviewed the payroll worksheets from Accu Pay, he
noticed a comp time pay out for Chief Dutton.
It also came to the Eric’s attention that Chief Dutton arranged with
Accu Pay to not withhold any federal taxes from his final severance check (sick
time, vacation time and final salary). Mark
Colucci sent a letter to each of the District board members informing them of
this. After open discussion, Mark
will be drafting a letter to Mike Dutton asking for an explanation of the last
payroll processing, and informing him that he will be responsible for all income
taxes owed that were not withheld. Motion
by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to audit the payroll records of Mike Dutton
from March 1999 to present and for legal counsel to send this letter.
All in favor and motion carries.
Discussion followed on establishing a subcommittee of no more than two
members of the District Board who would oversee personnel issues resulting in
monthly or quarterly reviews. This
subcommittee would review the benefits policies in place and provide
accountability for their administration. Everyone present agreed to the establishment of the
subcommittee. Bill Patterson and
Chuck Shufflebarger both volunteered to be on this Benefits Administration
Chuck discussed the recent activities dealing with filling the Chief’s
vacancy on a permanent basis. He
stated that he circulated emails to the District board members and asked their
input on various issues. It has
been decided that the hiring ad will run in the Indianapolis Star and the Daily
Journal for seven days each, starting as soon as Chuck can get the finalized ad
to Kim. Mark Colucci stated that
although the Board is not required to advertise at all, it does leave the
potential for civil rights violation complaints.
Chuck stated that they are running the exact same ad as the last time,
and are only changing the population figures and the salary figures.
The ad will run for one week. Resumes
and letters of intent must be submitted prior to May 15, 2001.
After discussion, it was decided that the following personnel would serve
on the committee: Chuck
Shufflebarger, Bill Patterson, Eric Brown and Scott Alexander. Per the Master Agreement, Scott is serving as the
Corporation’s designee. Chuck
reminded everyone that the final decision on the hiring of the Fire Chief lies
with the District board of directors.
Jeff Stainfield, who is the District’s insurance agent, was present to
discuss the insurance renewal which is coming up in May.
Our total reported losses over the last two years have been over $59,000.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Bill to approve $27,461 to renew
the insurance package covering the buildings, trucks, portable equipment and
liability currently belonging to the District.
The new station and equipment will require additional insurance, which
shall be obtained within 90 days of possession of the building.
All in favor and motion carries. This
policy renewal shall serve from May 2001 to May 2002.
After discussion, hiring from the established Lieutenants list has been
placed on temporary hold until the District can guarantee permanent funding.
Eric Reedy will provide a personnel budget covering the next two years at
the next District meeting.
Chuck stated that he has been receiving multiple calls from the Johnson
County Commissioners demanding to know why WRTFD is moving their dispatch to
MECA once they receive their radios later this year.
Chuck made it adamantly clear that the District Board is the entity to
enter into a contract and they have no intention of doing so with MECA.
Chief Tibbetts stated that we have not spoken with MECA about dispatch
issues in over a year, and only then it was because of the numerous problems we
were having the Johnson County Sheriffs Department dispatch. Chief Tibbetts
added that we are continuing to have problems with them, but that he has had
several discussions with John Asher and feels that there are options for
Chief Tibbetts stated that he is in the process of re-establishing lines
of communication with outside agencies that have been broken in the past.
Included are Greenwood Fire, Perry Township Fire, Bargersville Fire,
Johnson County Sheriffs Department Dispatch, as well as various media agencies.
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, at White
River Fire Headquarters at 7:00 p.m.