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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
March 6, 2001 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, Chuck Shufflebarger, Jon Raker and Butch Sutton.
District Board Members Absent: none.
District Employees Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Mike Tibbetts, Joel Thacker and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Board Members Present: Mike Combs.
Others Present: Eric Reedy and Mark Colluci.
1. Meeting called to order at 7:06 p.m. Minutes from February 7th board meeting were reviewed. Motion by Bill and 2nd by Butch to accept minutes as written. All in favor and motion passes.
2. Eric Reedy gave financial update:
Capital Outlay
1998 Fire Loan
1997 Capital Fund
Cumulative Fund
Debt Fund
General Fund
TOTAL 1,171,441
** Eric stated that it is okay to
have a negative balance in the General Fund as long as it is positive by the end
of the year.
3. Discussion on Station 53.
a) No representatives from Prince Alexander present. Fire Marshal Eric Brown gave project updates that he had..
a. Soil testing was performed 3/5 for the drip system. It is believed that sufficient information will be gathered within two weeks and the permit process will begin.
b. A rough in inspection was not completed on the building before drywall was installed. Prince Alexander has been required to hire a structural engineer to evaluate and approve the building. That engineer was supposed to have performed his/her inspection today. Because of this error, the building has gone for approximately 2 ½ weeks with no interior work being completed.
c. County and State are once again trying to determine who owns the corner of the intersection.
d. It is believed that a drain culvert near the building was installed approximately 4”-6” too high and will need to be removed and replaced correctly.
e. Prince Alexander has stated that they are planning on building occupancy sometime during the second week of April. However, those present do not feel that this is a reasonable time frame, given the considerations needed for the drip system.
f. Milestone will be opening next week so obtaining asphalt should no longer be a major problem for this project.
g. The Opticom system will require a 30-90 day application process through the Attorney General. Original budget for this item was $10,000. We will only be spending $8, 500. The contract will need to be approved and signed by the end of this week by Chairman Kite, who was previously giving signing authority by the other members.
h. The exhaust removal system for the apparatus should run approximately $12,000 and should be completed while the electrician is there, instead of calling them back out at a later date. Again, Chairman Kite has signing authority for this matter.
i. Eric Brown reported that, according the figures he has been able to gather so far, our project deficit is approximately $96,000. Eric Reedy is still waiting on the final deficit report from Prince Alexander before he can advertise for a special appropriation.
1. Options that we have to fund the Station 53 deficit are CAGIT, Cumulative Fund, or old/dormant capital outlay accounts.
b) According to numbers from Eric Reedy, after the vendor payout on February 28, retainings were $43,007 and yet to be withheld were $11,671.
c) Mark Colluci will check the contract, but usually retainings are paid when substantial completion of the project is agreed to.
Eric Reedy stated that the anticipated interest received off the loan
money for this project was underestimated and is actually a projected amount of
Chief Dutton stated that Corporation’s Board questioned Section IV of
the Supplemental Agreement for 2001, which is still not signed.
This section deals with the hiring/firing of corporation employees.
They wanted to make sure that they retain control over that.
After review by counsel, it was determined that is was worded so that
they will keep control over their own hiring/firing and that there was no change
in wording from the 2000 Supplemental Agreement.
Chief Dutton will return it to them for their signatures.
Eric Reedy stated that he has bid out our bank services.
He recommends that, based on the figures returned, the District switch
their accounts to Union Federal which offers more aggressive rates and fee
structures. Motion made by Chuck
and 2nd by Bill to transfer accounts to Union Federal.
All in favor and motion carries. Eric
Reedy will take care of this. ATTACHMENT
Eric Reedy stated that he has been reviewing the Professional Services
line items in the budget. Due to
the special projects (station 53, attempt at maximum levy increase, etc.)
attorney and accounting expenses were more than anticipated.
We will need to approve a transfer of appropriation resolution later on
in the year. Mark Colluci will
determine additional costs that were generated by Station 53 and will have that
available for us at the next meeting.
Chief Dutton stated that the department’s insurance agent, Jeff
Stainfield, has requested a short amount of time at the April District Meeting
to make an insurance presentation for our renewal in May.
Discussion on Chief Dutton’s resignation, effective March 16th.
Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Jon to accept Chief Dutton’s
resignation letter. All in favor and motion carries.
9. Mark Colluci stated that he has reviewed the benefits policy and the Chief’s letter of understanding. After discussion, motion made by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to provide the following severance items, along with a Letter of Separation Agreement to be signed by Chief Dutton:
Sick: 176 hours accrued at ½ hourly wage.
Vacation: 216 hour accrued at hourly wage.
Comp: Not allowed for exempt employees.
TOTAL: $7,904.00
All in favor and motion passes.
10. Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Butch to approve Salary Schedule Amendment. All in favor and motion carries. Amended Salary Schedule Signed. ATTACHMENT B
11. Meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:05 p.m. to discuss personnel issues.
12. Meeting re-adjourned to full session at 8:37 p.m.
13. Motion by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to promote Mike Tibbetts as interim Fire Chief effective March 17 with pay as established by salary schedule. Mark Colucci will review the salary schedule and contact Chief Tibbetts with his salary and exempt/non-exempt status.
14. Motion by Jon and 2nd by Chuck to promote Joel Thacker as interim Battalion Chief effective March 17 with pay as established by salary schedule. Mark Colucci will review the salary schedule and contact him with his salary. After being asked why Joel was only being promoted as interim, Eric Reedy stated that he needed time to verify that the 2001 budget would allow him as a permanent promotion.
15. Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jon to appoint Bill Patterson and Chuck Shufflebarger to a committee which will determine the process for permanent replacement of the fire chief. All in favor and motion carries.
16. The Board postponed action on hiring another Lieutenant from the established list until the other positions have been permanently filled.
17. The Board agreed that the best temporary solution for the Lieutenant vacancy that has been created will be to move funds to the volunteer corporation to allow for staffing of that position.
18. No further new business and meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.