White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2001  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, and Butch Sutton.

District Board Members Absent: Jon Raker and Chuck Shufflebarger.
District Employees Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Mike Tibbetts, and Kim Clawson.

Corporation Board Members Present:  none.

Others Present: Eric Reedy and Brian Bosma.   (Steve Alexander, John Poe, and Cindy present for station 53 updates only)


1.        Meeting called to order at 7:04  p.m.  Minutes from January 9th board meeting were reviewed.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Butch to accept minutes as written.  All in favor and motion passes.

2.        Eric Reedy gave financial update:

2000 Capital Outlay               746,214
     1998 Fire Loan                         21,634
     1997 Capital Fund                    21,163
     Cumulative Fund                     182,082
     Debt Fund                              184,926
     Special CAGIT                      166,654
     General Fund                           63,865

TOTAL                              1,424,410

Motion by Butch and 2nd by Bill to move the Special CAGIT money into the cumulative fund, and will require a special appropriation to spend it.  All in favor and motion carries.

3.        Discussion on Station 53.

a)       Steve Alexander feels that error in topography was a ‘natural’ error. 

b)       Walker Construction is required to provide a vapor barrier in the attic.  Prince Alexander will take care of this and will back charge Walker Construction.  Chief Brown stated that he would like proof that whatever measures are taken will be adequate.

c)       Sheathing (particle board and labor for underside of brick veneer) on West wall was omitted from bid package.  Prince Alexander will be paying for this if it is their error.

d)       Chief Brown stated that Prince Alexander will be required to deduct insulation cost for upstairs interior walls which did not get insulated.

e)       Steve Alexander feels that there was a credit amount after the changes to the HVAC system were made (approximately $40,000).

f)        Motion made by Butch and 2nd by Bill to allow the District Board Chairman signing authority for the floor and painting contracts, not to exceed $51,070.  All in favor and motion carries.

g)       Motion made by Butch and 2nd by Bill to approve the additional  $6221 for brick in the high gable area on the West side.  All in favor and motion carries.

h)       Chief Brown was adamant that the drywallers clean up after they leave.

i)         Chief Brown requested that Prince Alexander assure the bay fire wall goes to bottom of the roof and that all penetrations are fire stopped and that all openings are fire rated.

j)         The District Board members present requested that Steve Alexander continue to provide written updates at each district meetings. 

4.        Motion by Bill and 2nd by Butch to approve the Supplemental Agreement as written in the amount of $694,995.  All in favor and motion carries.  Agreement signed and will be forwarded to the Corporation’s Board for their signatures.

5.        Chief Dutton met with Jeff Stoops last Thursday.  There is still a chance that we can get an increase in our maximum levy
      this year.

6.        Chief Dutton has been in contact with the insurance adjustor for the damage at station 52.  To permanently and properly repair the damage, the brick facing will need to be removed and rebuilt with the proper tie ins to the building itself.  The insurance adjustor has approved $16,000 for this project, however Contractors Plus original bid was $22,000.  Chief Dutton is working with them to see if an agreement can be reached. 

7.        Chief Dutton announced that Chief Cassin is currently working on updating the corporation policies.  Once final approval has been obtained from the District Board, those policies will go into effect. 

8.        Discussion on the 457 Cafeteria Plan.  Kim stated that she spoke with Lindig & Associates some time ago informing them of our decision to change health plan carriers.  They stated that they would still continue to file the appropriate Federal paperwork for this plan on our behalf.  Brian Bosma advised her to follow up with a letter stating such. 

9.        2001 Budget Order discussed and copy attached.  ATTACHMENT A 

10.     Motion by Butch and 2nd by Bill to approve the 2001 Salary Schedule as presented by Eric Reedy.  All in favor and motion carries.  2001 Salary Schedule signed by those present.  ATTACHMENT B 

11.     No further new business and meeting adjourned.