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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
January 9 2001 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, Butch Sutton and Chuck Shufflebarger.
District Board
Members Absent: Jon Raker.
District Employees Present: Mike
Dutton, Eric Brown, Mike Tibbetts, and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Board Members Present: none.
Others Present:
Eric Reedy, Mark Collucci. (Steve
Alexander and John Poe present for station 53 updates, item 4 below
Meeting called to order at 7:08 p.m. Minutes
from December 12th board meeting were reviewed.
Motion by Bill and 2nd by Butch to accept minutes as written.
All in favor and motion passes.
2. Eric Reedy gave financial update:
2000 Capital
1998 Fire Loan
1997 Capital Fund
Cumulative Fund
Debt Fund
General Fund
TOTAL 1,255,924
The district has paid the first installment of the contract to the
volunteer corporation.
The 2001 Supplemental Agreement has not yet been signed.
Station 51 Sewer. Jim
Taulman, of DG Taulman Excavating will be bringing a contract for Paul Kite to
review and sign. The expenditure
was approved at a previous meeting. Once
the contract has been signed, we will begin work once the weather breaks.
4. Station 53.
Updates from Steve Alexander.
· Steve Alexander introduced John Poe who is the new site foreman.
· Roof is “substantially complete”. Mr. Alexander stated that some delays were caused by recent high winds and other severe weather. Other delays are from Walker Construction. Roof will be completely finished by Wednesday, January 17.
· Building will be closed up, including bay areas, by January 19th.
· Russell Excavating is working on miscellaneous excavating work on the west footer wall and backfilling.
· Milestone plant (asphalt) closed just before Christmas and they are not anticipating re-opening until March 27.
· Dean Architecture will be field measuring the windows for the cupola. Approximate cost $800-$900 and will take three weeks to fabricate. The objective is to be able to place the cupola while the erector is still on site.
· ELC Electrical will begin working once the roof is on.
· A study is currently being conducted to calculate the foot candle power of the bay lights to determine the highest possible mounting position.
· The electrical requirements for the exhaust removal system need to be obtained.
· They are ready to dig the footers for the porches.
· Meeks Masonry will continue with masonry work on bays once the sheeting has been placed (in approximately two weeks).
· Once the building is airtight, temporary heating will be installed and moisture testing will begin before drywall is hung. If moisture limits are exceeded, or there is swelling or improper drying, Prince Alexander will assure that it is fixed.
· Delay in roofing is the responsibility of Walker Construction. They will also be responsible for costs for any necessary repairs resulting from those delays. (They will not perform any repairs.)
· Steve Alexander will be working with Eric Brown on the equipment budget.
At this time, we are at 70-75% completion with an approximate 65%
in pay outs. He stated that they
are currently about a month behind in pay outs.
At this time, they are at a projected $55,000 - $65,000 over the total
budget funds available.
Updates from Eric Brown.
· Speedway Gas Station will probably not be bringing the sewer to that location. Their engineering firm will allow us to have their research. Steve Alexander suggested that we approach Greenwood Sanitation with a proposal for dynamic pressurization system for those buildings that need it in that area. Paul Kite wants us to analyze the costs first. It was going to cost us $100,000 to tie into Speedway’s line or it would have cost $35,000 had we decided to stay with the mound system. A subcommittee consisting of Paul, Butch, Mike D., Eric B., Mark and Steve will meet later this week with the City of Greenwood officials to determine the best action to take at this time.
Eric expressed his concerns regarding the equipment budget issue.
Correct copy of the budget is attached.
5. Eric Reedy gave a cash flow analysis.
· We will be receiving $175,000 tax anticipation warrant at the end of this week (tentative closing date 1/12). Motion by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to approve the tax anticipation warrant and authorize Paul Kite to have signing powers associated with that warrant. All in favor and motion carries.
· We will be receiving $166,000 of the $5.5M windfall that Johnson County will be receiving. If it goes into the general or cumulative funds, it will be available for review by the State Tax Board, which would put our appeals, including the one for the maximum tax levy increase, in jeopardy. There is a non-reverting fund that can be created to ‘store’ this money until it is ready to be used. Eric will review the rules regarding use of this special type of fund. Until it is decided officially, the money will be placed into the operations account and later assigned to a specific fund.
Eric received the support of the District Board tonight in favor
of ‘bidding out’ our banking services. This should yield an additional 2% (approximation) on our
interest bearing accounts.
Chief Dutton mentioned that FEMA’s Fire Act was approved.
This will allow $100,000,000 to various agencies throughout the country
in grant money that can be used towards personnel and equipment.
We will be applying for it.
Chief Dutton has applied for two BIF grants.
One for $75,000 for an ambulance and one for $125,000 for an engine.
We anticipate being approved for both of these as we have not yet been
denied an application.
Chief Dutton been trying to contact Senator Borst’s office to arrange a
meeting for pursuing a bill that would increase our maximum levy.
If the bill is not introduced by January 22, we will be waiting another
two years until the next long session convenes.
Mark Collucci stated that he had reviewed the contract between the
District and Prince Alexander Architects. We
are contracted to pay them a monthly fee for their work.
It is his belief that if we feel they have not done their job, we can
terminate them. The contract is
silent in that it does not state whether we can withhold money until the project
is complete. Mark feels comfortable
in doing this, based on their performance to date.
Paul directed Chief Dutton to establish 11 dates for the remainder of
2001 for potential District meetings. Everyone feels confident that if they have advanced notice of
meetings they will be able to better accommodate their schedules.
11. 2001 District Elections. Jon nominated for fiscal officer, Paul nominated for chairman, Butch nominated for vice chairman. No other nominations and nominations closed. Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Butch to accept The 2001 District Board Officers as follows:
Paul Kite
Vice Chairman:
Butch Sutton
Fiscal Officer:
Jon Raker
All in favor and motion carries.
12. No further new business. Meeting adjourned at 2030 hours.