White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2000  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, Butch Sutton and Jon Raker.

District Board Members Absent: Chuck Shufflebarger.

District Employees Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Mike Tibbetts, Bruce Alexander, Joel Thacker, Scott Cassin, and Kim Clawson.

Corporation Board Members Present:  Scott Alexander.

Others Present: Eric Reedy and Brian Bosma.


1.        Minutes from September 11th board meeting were reviewed.  Motion by Butch and 2nd by Bill to accept minutes as written.  All in favor and motion passes. 

2.        Eric Reedy gave financial update:

2000 Capital Outlay                              1,247,438

1998 Fire Loan                                           21,652

1997 Capital Fund                                     21,163

Cumulative Fund                                     226,935

Debt Fund                                                129,873

General Fund                                               9,726

TOTAL                                                  1,656,249


3.        Update given on station 53 by Terry Burnworth of Prince Alexander. 

Ř       Statement of project progression distributed. Attachment A. 

Ř       Discussion ensued regarding building items that were ‘wanted’ but were slated as ‘extras’.   Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Butch to fund driveway lights, building porches, and cupolas not to exceed $37,000.  All in favor and motion carries. 

Ř       KOE will be returning to review the swale issue.

 4.        The contract for the new engine has been signed and is being processed.  Brian asked that he receive a copy of the signed contract asap.  A clause was placed in the contract providing that if  the manufacturer goes over the 270 day limit, from the date of the signed contract, the District will receive $100/day for every day over 270. 

5.        Scott presented the updated proposal for computers and answered all questions.  After no further discussion, Jon made a motion to award Dell the computer purchase for a total not to exceed $34,445.  2nd by Butch.  All in favor and motion carries. 

6.        New salary schedule presented with bonuses for Chief Dutton, Chief Tibbetts and Kim for retirement not invested.   Motion by Bill and 2nd by Jon to approve new salary schedule.  All in favor and motion carries. 

7.        Eric Reedy presented a budget transfer resolution.  After discussion, motion by Jon and 2nd by Butch to approve the resolution.  All in favor and motion carries. 

8.        Chief Dutton gave an update on Station 52.  The south end of the building is still sinking and we will need to sink piers to stabilize it.  After the most recent backing incident, where a significant portion of the front (East) wall fell, engineers were called in and it was determined that the building has sunk  3 ˝” and that the trusses for the roof are not tied together.  Chief Dutton is currently working with the engineers to determine the best solution. 

9.        Mutual aid agreement with Madison Township discussed.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Butch to authorize Chief Dutton to sign this agreement.  All in favor and motion carries. 

10.     Danny Maple, Township Trustee, has let us know he is looking at property near Center Grove High School where he anticipates being able to build his offices and a co-staffed fire station.  No action taken at this time.  It is not yet know if he has purchased this land. 

11.     Chief Brown gave an update on the recent ISO inspection.  All went well and we anticipate being able to drop our classification significantly, thus bringing a savings to most homeowners in this area in the home insurance premiums. 

12.     Kim gave an update on the current status with the health insurance.  Motion by Bill to authorize the District employees to change plans if they choose to do so.  2nd by Jon.    A motion was also made by Jon to allow Bill to oversee and approve these changes on behalf of the District Board.   2nd by Butch.  All in favor and motion carries. 

13.     No further new business. 

14.     Next meeting is scheduled for December 12 at 7:00 p.m.  Among other issues, the volunteer contract will be scheduled for discussion.

 15.     Meeting adjourned.