White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2000  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, Butch Sutton and Chuck Shufflebarger.

District Board Members Absent: Jon Raker.

District Employees Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Mike Tibbetts, and Kim Clawson.

Corporation Board Members Present:  Scott Alexander.

Others Present: Brian Bosma, Eric Reedy, and Steve Alexander.



1.        Minutes from July 26th board meeting were reviewed.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Butch to accept minutes as written.  All in favor and motion passes. 

2.        Eric Reedy gave financial update:

  2000 Capital Outlay                              1,559,536
        1998 Fire Loan                                          21,652
        1997 Capital Fund                                     21,163
        Cumulative Fund                                      245,165
        Debt Fund                                               129,873
        General Fund                                           210,037

    TOTAL                                               2,187,429 

3.        During discussion on the 2001 budget, Eric explained that there is a special appeal available to all units of government who receive CAGIT.  It’s similar to a Township’s emergency loan, and will allow the normal 25% that goes to the Property Tax Relief (PTRC) to be allocated into the regular miscellaneous revenue.  This will increase our CAGIT received during 2002.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Chuck to pursue this special appeal.  All in favor and motion carries. 

4.        Update on station 53 project given by Steve Alexander of Prince Alexander architects.

Ø       His company would like at least one week’s notice for District meetings to allow for appropriate planning time.

Ø       Within the last 30 days, the building pad has been formed and they are now waiting for dry weather to dig the footers and pour the slab. 

Ø       The District Board needs to appoint a representative to review pay applications.  They will be presented on the 2nd Monday of a full week and will be formally approved on the 3rd Tuesday.

Ø       New construction timeline has been posted.

Ø       Bids will be received Monday, August 14 for Masonry, Drywall and Insulation. 

5.        After discussion on the station 53 sewers, Brian Bosma urged that we get an agreement in writing that states our cost is based on volume. 

6.        Brian also requested copies of all Certificates of Insurance that have been received thus far. 

7.        The City of Indianapolis will be hearing engine bids at their Safety Board Meeting on August 17.  

8.        Brian stated that in order for us to be able to purchase in conjunction with the City, we wither have to have an inter local agreement in place or they must have included in their bid that other municipal agencies could enter into the purchase as well.  He is not sure if that was included.  The only exception under the new statute allows for an agency having a “unique opportunity for substantial savings”.  No further discussion on Engine 53.  Tabled until next District meeting. 

9.        Brian does not have any definitive information on the Cafeteria (flexible spending) benefit plan and asked that discussion on this be tabled until the next District meeting. 

10.     Discussion on the new computer system for the department was tabled until the next meeting, when formal price quotes will be presented.  Brian did sate that if the total price (lease + purchase option) is less than $25,000 total, the District can legally purchase without being required to bid the project. 

11.     Chief Dutton stated that there is a company who has contacted us requesting to lease space from our tower at station 51 for $4800 per year.  Brian stated that, because we are a government entity, we must give notice for request for proposals to lease space on the tower.  Questions were raised regarding accessibility to the tower for the other company and the potential liability involved.  Brian suggested that Chief Dutton obtain a contract from the company requesting space and he will review it.  Further discussion tabled until the next District meeting. 

12.     Chief Dutton gave an update on the station 51 sewer project.  We are currently waiting on the developer for Water’s Edge to upgrade a particular lift station so that the City of Greenwood will allow us to hook onto the Baxter’s sewer connection. 

13.     Next meeting scheduled for September 6, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. at White River Fire Headquarters. 

14.     No further new business and meeting adjourned.