White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
May 24, 2000  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Members Present: Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, Bill Patterson, Jon Raker

District Employees Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown

Others Present: Brian Bosma, Terry Burnworth, Eric Reedy



1.        Minutes from previous board meeting were approved as written. 

2.        Eric Reedy gave Financial Report that included the $1,600,000.00 Building Loan. 

3.        Station 51 Sewer Update. Kevin Kelly is just waiting on the check for $500.00 then he will write contracts and there was no exact time line reported. 

4.        Eric reedy mentioned that the 1.6 million loan would generate some additional unplanned interest possibly about 20,000-25,000 more than expected. 

5.        Paul announced that the Zoning Appeal Board approved the special exemption for the station 53 to be built in the residential zoned area. He mentioned that there was one strong remonstrator and her complaints was the noise and she thought that her property values would drop due to the close proximity of the fire station. He also mentioned that she does not live in our fire protection district, however she owns the two lots located just east of the egress drive on Smith Valley Road. 

6.        The next public meeting that involves the Station 53 project is the Drainage Board on June 6th

7.        Terry passed out the letter from INDOT that gave the conditions for the commercial driveway cut and the use of the state property for the exit drive. It appears that if the conditions are met that they will approve the drive as designed. 

8.        Eric Brown gave the Sewer update for the station 53 project. He advised that Speedway has hired an engineering firm to complete the study and estimate the cost for the installation of a 15 inch line to run on the north side of Smith Valley Road. The Center Grove School Corporation, Speedway and the Fire Department are considering a joint project to install this line. It appears that Speedway will finance the larger portion of the project then try to reimburse themselves later though the 15 year law of future connection fees. The project is totally dependent on the City of Greenwood allowing this project to step ahead the Smith Valley Sewer Project. As it stands presently Speedway has paid the additional amount to have the 15 year law contracts drawn up and will be on the agenda for the City of Greenwood Public Works, June meeting. If approved, the time line was reported to be 6-8 months for installation. 

9.        Eric Brown mentioned the strategy for the Driveway issue onto Mullinex. The current design of the driveway turn lane as required by the Johnson County Highway Department, requires the fire district to acquire an additional area of the adjoining property owner to the north to allow the construction of a turn lane. The property owner is not willing to give up the property and is not interested in any negotiations. Without the county reconsidering the construction of this “subdivision style” entrance, the fire district may have to shift the drive to the south and approach the McCarty’s to acquire some of their property to install this large excel and deceleration lanes. Eric discussed waiting until after the drainage board meeting on June 6 to meet with Mc Carty. Eric thinks that due to the possible influence that McCarty would have on the other commissioner that sits on the Drainage Board that it would be better wait until after that meeting. Butch mentioned that we might want to involve Commissioner Walker and possibly County Attorney Joe Pitcher and see if they can influence the County Highway to look into the “subdivision requirements” and how they are considered part of our project. 

10.     Terry Burnworth passed out the Bid summary sheets to the members and he recommended that packages B, L, F and K be rebid to seek local bidders for possible reduced bids. Brian Bosma had reviewed the state code and advised that instead of negotiating the packages that received no bids, he recommended those packages be rebid also. Motion was made by Butch to rebid those packages, and Jon seconded, all in favor motion passed. 

11.     Motion was made by Butch to reject bids on Packages F, K, M and N. Jon seconded, all in favor and motion was passed. 

12.     Motion was made by Bill to allow Prince Alexander Architects to send letters of intent to the winning bidders. These letters will include the revisions as made by Brian Bosma. The packages include: A, C, D, E, G, H, I, P, Q and R. Butch seconded, all in favor and motion was passed. 

13.     Motion was made by Butch to approve the Construction Management Phase of the Architects contract. Bill seconded, all in favor and motion was passed. 

14.     Brian Bosma mentioned that Prince Alexander had agreed to waiting for the other half (5000.00) of the payment for the Bidding Phase of the contract. This was because of the re-bidding of several packages. 

15.     Butch made a motion to appoint Eric Brown as the Owner Representative to be on site for the Construction Phase of the Station 53 Project. His motion included that Chairman Paul Kite would be notified for final approval of any changes that occur. Jon seconded, all in favor and motion was passed. 

16.     Terry Burnworth made comment to make the Board aware of Eric Brown’s commitment to the project and he was very appreciative for the extra effort and quick returns on past issues. 

17.     Chief Dutton advised that the E53 bid was just waiting for Brian Bosma to review the specs. The Board advised that after the specs were reviewed, Chief Dutton could go ahead and go out to bid. 

18.     Eric Reedy presented the 2001 Financial Calendar and pasted out copies to members. 

19.     Eric Reedy also passed out a Draft of the Financial Update to each member. 

20.     John made motion to sign the resolution for Appropriation for Salary Schedule. This resolution allowed the transfer of pension benefits to salary for the Chief and Kim. Butch seconded and all were in favor, motion passed and the resolution was signed. 

21.     Butch made motion to sign the Salary Amendment Resolution to allow the Chief to receive $2660.00 And Kim to receive $1672.00 of their pension benefits as an addition to their salary. Bill seconded and motion was passed. 

22.     Next Board meeting was scheduled for June 21st at 1900. At station 51. 

23.     Motion by Butch was made to adjourn and the meeting was adjourned at 21:06