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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
April 27, 2000 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Members Present: Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, Jon Raker, and Chuck Shufflebarger
District Employees Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Members Present: None.
Others Present: Representative from Curtis Coonrod & Mark Collucci, representing Kroger Gardis & Regas.
Minutes from the March 8th meeting read.
No discussion. Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to approve the
minutes as written. All in favor
and motion carries.
2. Financial report:
Key Bank Capital
$ 29,621.00
NBD Capital
Cumulative Fund
Debt Fund
General Fund
3. Terry Burnworth from Prince Alexander gave an update on Station 53.
- Recently held our 2nd wage hearing, where the workforce development wage was adopted for this project. This is just slightly higher than the originally adopted wage and removed approximately 15% of our ‘buffer’.
- The loan will be closed on May 8th.
- Projected work dates for the station are June 12th through December 22nd.
- Indiana DOT needs to approve our planned egress onto Smith Valley Road. Should hear something from them by the end of next week.
It is currently going through the title insurance procedure.
The land must be resurveyed before they will issue the policy.
Having title insurance is not necessary to close on the loan.
Discussion on purchasing Engine 53. Tanker 53 can be used as a back up engine if absolutely
necessary. The new truck will take
approximately 12-15 months to build and will cost approximately $275,000 +
finance charges. Motion by Butch
and 2nd by Chuck to proceed with this project.
All in favor and motion carries.
Eric Brown did not have an update for the sewer project, as he is still
waiting on a couple of his phone calls to be returned.
We still do not have contracts on file from the Corporation
(master & supplemental).
Discussion on pension distribution for Chief Dutton and Kim.
Eric Reedy is reviewing whether they were actually in Civilian PERF
Oct-Dec 1999. We have already issued monies to them both for the remainder
of their 2000 allotment (remainder of what wasn’t placed into PERF).
A transfer resolution will need to be made from Personnel to Salary.
Also, a new salary resolution will need to be adopted and signed. Paul would like to change their letters of understanding for
2001 to set specific parameters for distributing their remaining retirement
Next District meeting will be May 24th at station 51 at 7:00
9. No further new business. Meeting adjourned.