White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2000  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Members Present:    Butch Sutton, Paul Kite, and Bill Patterson.

District Employees Present:  Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Mike Tibbetts, Bruce Alexander, and Kim Clawson.

Corporation Members Present: Scott Alexander.

Others Present: Eric Reedy, Mark Colucci (Kroger, Gardis & Regas), and Jeff Stainfield.

1.        Minutes from the January 5th meeting read.  No discussion.  Motion by Paul and 2nd by Bill to approve the minutes as written.  All in favor and motion carries. 

2.        Eric Reedy gave the financial report:

Aerial                                     $  35,531.00
NBD Capital                              21,163.00
Cumulative Fund                      280,036.00
Debt Fund                                 75,996.00
General Fund                          315,158.00 

3.        Our neighbor, Sharon Baxter, has decided that she no longer wishes to allow station 51 to have lateral access to her sewer line.  In a phone call with Chief Dutton, she mostly cited problems working with attorney Greg Cafouros.  Chief Dutton asked her if working with another attorney, perhaps Brian Bosma, would change her mind and she said that it was a possibility she would discuss with her husband.    Mark stated that he did meet with her today and feels confident that this situation can be worked out. 

Also regarding station 51 septic, Eric Brown stated that he recently had a discussion with engineers from the City of
      Greenwood who stated that, because of all the problems that have arisen between the parties involved, Greenwood will
      not consider any request to allow White River to hook into her sewer.  Mark feels that this can also be worked out. 

4.        Master Agreement distributed and reviewed.  Removed was the ability of the volunteer firefighter to request a hearing through the District’s Safety Board.  However, the Agreement does allow the volunteer Board of Directors to request a review of any incident by the District’s Safety Board.  Motion by Paul and 2nd by Bill to approve the Master Agreement as presented tonight.  No discussion.  All in favor and motion carries.  Copies signed and forwarded to volunteer Board President, Scott Alexander, for signatures of his Board of Directors.  Copies need to be filed with Brian Bosma (legal), Kim (public record), and a copy needs to be kept with the volunteer corporation.  Kim will forward a copy to Jon and Chuck for their review and ask them, if they approve it, to please sign the public record copy at the next meeting. 

5.        Supplemental Agreement distributed and reviewed.  The only “issue” that has posed a dilemma was how the volunteer firefighters were hired and fired.  However, that has since been worked out in an agreeable manner between Chief Dutton and the volunteer Board.  No further discussion.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Paul to approve the Supplemental Agreement as presented tonight.  No discussion.  All in favor and motion carries.  Copies signed and forwarded to volunteer Board President, Scott Alexander, for signatures of his Board of Directors.  Copies need to be filed with Brian Bosma (legal), Kim (public record), and a copy needs to be kept with the volunteer corporation.  Kim will forward a copy to Jon and Chuck for their review and ask them, if they approve it, to please sign the public record copy at the next meeting. 

6.        The resolution enrolling us in the 457 State Deferred Comp plan was discussed.  Motion by Paul and 2nd by Bill to approve the resolution.  All in favor.  Jon Raker, as Fiscal Officer, will be the contact person.  Mark will take care of filing the necessary paperwork with the State and get the forms for the employees back to the District. 

7.        Update on new station. 

·         Speedway has decided to start the feasibility study at their own expense.  Their system is in need of emergency repairs.

·         Eric spoke with engineers from the City of Greenwood who state that an 8” main should not pose a problem.  However, Mark McCarty may be considering trying to make the sewer available to the rest of his property in that area.  If that is the case, it will move us to a 12” main. 

8.        Chief Dutton requested that Mark find out where we stand with reviewing the 40 hour work week rule.  

9.        Since the District did not fill all the full time positions that they had originally intended to, they have agreed to move money to the volunteer corporation for the funding of additional personnel.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Paul to adopt the resolution that would transfer $46,074.08 from Personnel Services: Salaries and Wages to Other Services: Volunteer Contract.  No discussion.  All in favor and motion carries. 

10.     Lt. Bruce Alexander gave a presentation on the ambulance situation.  Those being considered to replace PMT are CARE and Rural Metro.  Seals was originally interested, however they felt that they would lose too much money and have opted not to bid on providing service here.   Bruce also presented a presentation on the District establishing their own, fire department-based ambulance service.  Butch stated that it is not unrealistic to want to do this, however, the problem lies in finding funding for the personnel to staff it.  Start up costs would not be as great as presented because there are various funding options available.  Also to potentially pursue is the EMS tax that the Township Trustee could impose.  When the timing is more appropriate, we will pursue finding options to fund personnel so that we can establish our own ambulance.  In the mean time, we must contract with someone else by the end of the month when PMT leaves.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Paul for Chief Dutton to pursue negotiating a one-year contract with Rural Metro Ambulance.  No further discussion.  All in favor and motion carries.  

11.     As everyone knows, elections for officers of this board are required to be held during January of each year.  Nominations for the year 2000 were opened, recorded, and closed.   2000 officers for the White River Township Fire Protection District Board of Directors are as follows:

Chairman:              Paul Kite

Vice Chairman:      Butch Sutton

Fiscal Officer:        Jon Raker

 12.     No other new business to be discussed.  Meeting adjourned.  

The next Fire Protection District Board Meeting will be held

Wednesday, March 8, 2000 at 7pm at White River Fire Headquarters.