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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
December 21, 1999 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Members Present: Butch Sutton, Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, and Jon Raker.
District Employees Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Members Present: n/a
Others Present: Eric Reedy.
Minutes from December 14th meeting read by Kim.
No discussion. Motion by
Bill and 2nd by Jon to accept minutes as written.
All in favor and motion carries. Minutes
2. Three resolutions which need action tonight are as follows:
Transfer resolution to adjust budget items.
Eric Reedy distributed an appropriations ledger to those present
Motion by Paul and 2nd by Bill to approve and sign the
transfer resolution to adjust the budget. All
in favor and motion carries. ATTACHMENT B
1999 revised salary resolution changes include retirements paid to
Clawson, Dutton, and Tibbetts, as
well as general items such as holiday pay, longevity, change in maximum
longevity, etc. Motion by Bill and
2nd by Jon to approve revised 1999 salary resolution.
All in favor and motion carries. ATTACHMENT C
2000 salary resolution includes Paramedic stipend, overtime
allotted, etc. Motion by Paul and 2nd
by Jon to accept 2000 salary resolution as presented. All
in favor and motion carries. ATTACHMENT D
When the KME invoice has been paid, we will have a deficit of
approximately $10,000 in the Aerial truck account.
Eric Reedy said that it is allowable to supplement the aerial fund with
funds from the cumulative fund and later transfer money to reimburse the
cumulative fund. Motion made by Jon
and 2nd by Bill to make an additional appropriation of $25,000 to
supplement the aerial fund and be reimbursed to the cumulative fund at a later
date. All in favor and motion
Eric Reedy stated that he and Chief Dutton recently attended State
hearings on both the volunteer appeal and the pension appeal.
Both were approved with no problems.
5. Chief Brown stated that he has been working on the sewer project for station 53. Tentatively, Center Grove Schools (West Grove Elem.), Speedway Station, and possibly Mark McCarty want to help us bring sewers to that area. Eric is currently checking on locations with the City of Greenwood. They are not sure if their lift station/interceptor is large enough to handle everyone that wants to commit themselves to our project. He is also still waiting to receive an actual cost from the engineer. As of this time, it is believed that Greenwood’s Mayor is not aware of proposed our project. Butch directed Eric to make contact and inform him of it so that there are no ‘surprises’.
Eric Reedy stated that, because it is the last meeting of the year,
salaries for the District should be distributed.
After discussion, with Butch abstaining,
it was agreed that the biggest portion should go to Butch because of all
the time he puts in outside of regular meetings.
Therefore $1,000 will go to Butch, and $507.50 will go to the remaining
Chief Dutton stated that neither himself, Chief Tibbetts, or Kim wished
to take part in a deferred compensation plan but would rather receive the
remainder of the budgeted retirement to be placed into a
ROTH. No discussion.
No objections.
Butch stated that Scott Alexander reviewed the deed for the property at
Smith Valley and Mullinix and it appears that the land was, as originally
thought, donated to the Department for the purposes of building a fire station.
Scott and his board have agreed to gift the land to the District for
Station 53, but have requested that the District investigate the possibility of
them having a Reserve fund to purchase equipment out of, without being required
to come to the District for prior approval.
Jon mentioned that he could foresee a potential problem in the future of
“District Equipment” vs. “Corporation Equipment”, storing locations,
maintenance, etc. Everyone agreed. Butch advised everyone to give this some thought and it would
be tabled until the January meeting.
9. Meeting items for January 5th meeting will be:
- Aerial issues.
- Cumulative fund.
- Temporary loan.
- Two people to serve on wage committee.
- Initial draft of tax board presentation.
Officer elections for this board.
Eric Reedy stated that he will need to review the bond issue procedures.
He thinks it may be mandatory for installment loans to be approved by the
County’s governing fiscal body.
Chief Dutton announced that he will be presenting a budget request at
January’s meeting for the $100,000 BIF money that we have received.
He requested permission tonight to go ahead and commit to the price on
the bunker gear before it increases after the first of the year.
Eric stated that we cannot spend money or award a bid until it has gone
through appropriations procedures. After
discussion, it was determined that an appropriation has already been made.
Chief Dutton and Eric will work on this.
Bill Patterson announced that he appreciated all the hard work on
numerous projects that Butch has committed himself to as Chairman of this board.
Everyone agreed!