White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
December 14, 1999  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Members Present:  Butch Sutton and Jon Raker.

District Employees Present:  Mike Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, and Kim Clawson.

Corporation Members Present: Scott Alexander and Jeff Smith.

Others Present: Eric Reedy and Terry Burnworth.

1.        Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.  Because there is not a quorum, as required, no binding decisions will be made at this meeting.  The meeting will continue and will be to make updates on various on-going projects. 

2.        Chief Tibbetts gave an update on the Aerial truck, which should arrive in the next few weeks.  The committee members leave for the factory to make the final inspection later this week.  The only “problem” so far is that the cab was painted red by accident.  KME will repaint at no cost to us. 

3.        Budget appropriations cannot be made tonight.  They will be made at the next meeting, provided a quorum is present. 

4.        Chief Dutton mentioned that the sewer project is continuing, although very slowly.  The neighbor’s requests have been, or will be met soon; two of which include production of various Department water utility statements, and the Department agreeing to pay to have her access raised above ground. 

5.        Chief Dutton stated that he has received no recent complaints regarding the ambulance service.  He did receive a letter from PMT, which included a copy of the letter to Betty Ash resolving her situation entirely.  She was reimbursed for the amount she paid them.  Butch directed Chief Dutton to forward copies of those letters to everyone who was involved in this situation (ie:  Commissioners, Joe Pitcher, Dan Maple, etc.). 

6.        Eric Reedy mentioned that the Paramedic Stipend must be included in the salary resolution and at this time it is not.  This was tabled until the next meeting. 

7.        At the last meeting, Jon was asked to create a policy regarding the issuance of the Paramedic stipend for the Board’s review.  Tabled until the next meeting.  (Attached) 

8.        Scott Alexander stated that the Corporation’s Board has agreed to sign over the deed to the property  at Mullinix Rd. & Smith Valley Rd.  Notarized transfers were given to Chairman Sutton.  He apologized for the recent rumors that have been going around.  He stated that they (Corp. Board) never intended to keep the property, that they just wanted to explore their options of obtaining a reserve fund.  Butch Stated that he will address it at the next meeting. 

9.        Eric Reedy stated that after the distribution made tonight, the Corporation should be in line with the 1999 Budget. 

10.     Scott Alexander has been reviewing the Master and Supplemental Agreements.  Two areas he needs direction on include what is required of the corporation’s board and do the part time employees report to the safety board. 

11.     Butch announced that Kim, Chief Dutton, and Chief Tibbetts still have a remaining portion of their alotted retirement amount that is due to them.  Tabled until the next meeting. 

12.     Eric Reedy stated that the temporary loan could be discussed at the January meeting. 

13.     Butch stated that the station 53 contract will be tabled until the January meeting.  Bids should be awarded around the middle of April.  He asked that we be prepared ahead of time so that we can easily justify this expenditure to the State Board of Accounts.  He suggested having Twp. Trustee Maple present, as well as key members of the White River Township Development task force. 

14.     Butch directed Chief Brown to work with Mark McCarty on the sewer situation.  The more people that we can get to ‘pitch in’ on this and join on this project, the cheaper it will be for everyone involved.  Speedway Gas Station and West Grove Elementary/Center Grove Schools have already agreed to this. 

15.     Terry Burnworth reminded everyone that we must have the wage hearing by February so that the prevailing wage for this project is determined. 

16.     No further discussions.  The next District meeting will be held one week from tonight, Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at White River Fire Headquarters at 7:00 p.m.  The agenda will include those items which were tabled tonight.