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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
November 23, 1999 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Members Present: Butch Sutton, Jon Raker, Paul Kite, Chuck Shufflebarger, and Bill Patterson.
District Employees Present: Mike Dutton, Scott Cassin, Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Members Present: Scott Alexander and Jeff Smith,
Others Present: Eric Reedy and Terry Burnworth.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Chuck read minutes from November 3rd meeting.
Motion by Bill and 2nd by Jon to approve minutes as written.
All in favor and motion carries. Minutes
3. Current projects update:
- Station 51 sewer. Neighbors still have questions regarding the contract. Brian Bosma is working on it.
- Aerial. Mike Tibbetts & Joel Thacker returned from the pre-paint inspection. It was painted red, however they will repaint it to yellow as it was their error. Mike & Joel will be returning the week of December 16th for a final inspection. Delivery should take place around the end of December.
- Tahoes. Completed! Check was finally obtained from the State and payment has been made to Hubler.
800mhz System.
Still waiting on invoices from Motorola.
Cannot submit for the grant without these invoices.
Because it was not part of the original policy manual that was adopted,
Butch instructed Jon to draft a policy regarding the Paramedic Stipend and
forward it to Brian.
Eric Reedy will work on the salary schedule to include Paramedic Stipend.
Discussion on volunteer budget issues.
They will have a deficit of approximately $16,000.
This comes mostly from Eric Brown’s liability because he was not hired
in March as originally planned, but in October with the other Battalion Chiefs.
Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to appropriate $16,000 from
Personnel Services, Salaries and Wages to Other Services and Charges, Volunteer
Contract. All in favor and motion
carried. ATTACHMENT A.
Because of an error in calculating retirement benefits, it will not be
discussed at tonight’s meeting. Tabled
until next meeting.
8. Discussion on multiple items regarding station 53 project.
- In order to keep us under the $1.4M ceiling indicating a controlled project, the fourth bay has been taken away to allow for necessary office space.
- Included in the budget are such items as asphalt shingled roof and wider concrete footers (due to the unfavorable soil samples)
- Contacts have been made and the State owns the ‘front yard’ and ‘driveway’. This should pose no problem for us to obtain a permit for access to Smith Valley Road.
- Early phase of this project is dependant on BIF grant. Because of this, Terry Burnworth agreed that Prince Alexander will proceed at their own risk and revise. They will have a final floor plan and current architectural contract at the next District meeting.
- Eric Reedy and Brian Bosma will assure that all appropriate advertisements are made in the newspapers.
- Rough budget for this project is as follows:
Soft Costs 50,000
Hard Costs 1,400,000
Engine 275,000
BIF Money - 150,000
Cap. Projects Fund - 21,000 (dormant)
9. Next meeting December 14, 1999 at White River Fire Headquarter at 1900 hours. No further new business and meeting adjourned.