White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
October 1, 1999  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Members Present:  Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger, and Bill Patterson. 

District Employees Present:  Mike Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, and Kim Clawson. 

Corporation Members Present: none. 

Others Present: Eric Reedy and Brian Bosma.


1.        Meeting called to order at 1:04 p.m., immediately following the induction ceremony of the new District Employees.  Meeting held at Jonathan Byrd’s Cafeteria. 

2.        Butch stated that there are two primary reasons for this meeting:  1) PERF resolution and 2) budget appropriation. 

3.        Brian Bosma explained that the one of the reasons we have had so many issues to resolve with the ’77 PERF fund is because Wayne Township entering into the fund at the same time we are.  We were denied permission to ‘buy back’ any time for Eric because of the actual entity that he receives his check from (vol. Corporation as compared to District).  Brian has stated that, in  his reading of the statute, all employees are required to enter PERF, and then move on to the ’77 Fund if they elect to do so.  Mike Dutton and Mike Tibbetts have opted not to enter the ’77 Fund and Brian has brought with him the appropriate releases.  Both signed.  We can enter PERF by ourselves or we can go in alone or as a sub account under Johnson County.  The rates will be calculated by PERF based on our demographic input.  After the rates are available, we will determine the best option. Brian will check on these rates and let us know as soon as they are available.  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to pass the PERF resolution.  All for – 0 against.  Resolution passes and is signed by those present. 

4.        Motion by Bill and 2nd by Chuck to approve the resolution to allow eligible District employees to enter the ’77 PERF fund with the District paying the employee’s contribution of 6%.  All for – 0 against.  Resolution passes and is signed by those present. 

5.        Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to allow the District to pay for the employee’s 3% contribution to civilian PERF.  All for – 0 against.  Motion passes. 

6.        Members present agreed to defer decision on how the employer’s rate relates to the agreed to retirement for Kim and the Chief. 

7.        Brian mentioned that with 5 or more employees, we are required to have a 4 person Local Pension Board.  However, given the fact that we have less than that, it was agreed that our Local Pension Board would consist of one member of the governing body, one member being the fire chief, and one member being elected from the eligible ’77 PERF fund members.  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to adopt the  rules of the Local Pension Board as presented.  All for – 0 against.  Motion passes and rules adopted. 

8.        Motion by Bill and 2nd by Butch to appoint Chuck as the representative on the Local Pension Board from the governing body.  All for – 0 against.   Motion carries. 

9.        Butch stated that we still need to work through the remainder of the retirement process. 

10.     Chief Dutton was assigned the task to work with his staff to determine if the District will participate in a deferred compensation plan. 

11.     Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to make the additional appropriation into the Capital Outlays account of $100,000 from Build Indiana Fund money, part of which will be used to purchase two new Chevy Tahoes for the department.  All for – 0 against.  Motion carries. 

12.     Discussion on Paramedic pay.  Butch has contacted Paul and Jon who worked on the salary and benefits committee and both thought that paramedic pay was already discussed and taken care of.  However, there is no final record of such.  Any changes made to salaries must be shown on the salary resolution.  Deferred until next meeting. 

13.     Discussion on ambulance issues.  Betty Ash, a WRT resident, has made contact with numerous people to file complaints against the ambulance service.  She, or a member of her family, was recently transported and PMT does not bill Medicare.  Therefore, Mrs. Ash received the bill herself.  She is refusing to pay it.  Chief Dutton is in the process of try to get Mr. & Mrs. Taylor, PMT owners, to write the bill off as a loss.  Butch emphasized that this is giving the department some bad p.r. right now, and it could get worse. 

14.     Chief Dutton announced that meetings have been started to determine the architect who should be allowed to begin initial work on station 53 (site plans, etc.).  Bill recommends Prince Alexander.  They are the middle quote and seem to be the most able to meet our needs.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Chuck to allow Prince Alexander begin surveying the ground on Mullinix Road for future station 53.  All for – 0 against.  Motion carries. 

15.     Brian Bosma requested that the contract from Prince Alexander be forwarded to him for review as soon as it is received. 

16.     Chief Dutton stated that we have been in negotiations with our neighbor and another attorney from Brian’s firm, Greg Cafarous, to get the sewer hooked in at station 51.  So far, all seems to be going well. 

17.     No further new business.  Meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.