White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
September 7, 1999  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Members Present:  Butch Sutton, Paul Kite, and Bill Patterson. 

District Employees Present:  Mike Dutton and Kim Clawson. 

Corporation Members Present: Eric Brown, Joel Thacker and Mike Tibbetts. 

Others Present: Eric Reedy.


1.        Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.  

2.        Minutes from 8/9/9 meeting read.  Motion by Paul and 2nd by Bill to accept minutes as written.  All in favor and motion carries.  Minutes stand as written. 

3.        Financial Report by Eric Reedy

Key Bank Capital Outlay (Aerial)                      $ 732,871.00

NBD Capital Outlay                                                  21,162.00

Cumulative Fire Fund                                               60,228.00

Debt Fund                                                                  49,818.00

General Fire Fund                                    235,601.00 

TOTAL                                                             $ 1,083,439.00 

4.        Eric Reedy mentioned that there was a county council meeting held last week to discuss fire district budgets.  No one knew about the meeting so Eric Reedy was the only one from our agency in attendance.  According to Eric, Pam Young voted against our budget, as well as some others.  Sometime in October/November, the state tax board will conduct formal budget hearings at the courthouse.  

5.        Outstanding issues:

  1. Waiting for Brian Bosma to make contact with neighbors regarding sewer issues at station 51.
  2. Station 52 project will not be finished until we know how much the station 51 project will be.
  3. Don Fouts refused the offer of employment which was extended to him.  Therefore, due to the time frame involved, we have opted to hire only two battalions and two lieutenants.  Chief Dutton will be serving as the A-Shift Battalion Chief.
  4. Easement papers for property next to station 52 were signed by Butch Sutton.

6.        We still need to adjust the salary resolution.  Must give 48 hour notice.  Chief Dutton gave Eric Reedy a copy of the anticipated volunteer budget shortfall for the remainder of this year.  

7.        Kim gave an update of the Induction Ceremony which will be held October 1, 1999 at Jonathan Byrd’s cafeteria.  Butch reminded everyone that this is the meeting where the PERF Board must be created and he encouraged everyone to attend if at all possible.  A majority will be needed. 

8.        The 457 retirement plan is on hold pending a decision from Brian Bosma regarding participation in 1977 PERF fund.  This will be finalized at the October 1 meeting/luncheon. 

9.        Each employee will be allocated $4,800 to use for a cafeteria plan to cover health, life, dental, vision, etc.  This is a “use or lose” policy.  Everyone feels that the presentation that Marge Buford made is the best coverage for our money.  Motion by Paul and 2nd by Bill to approve this plan, with any expense over $4,800 being deducted from the employee’s pay check, and to be reviewed before each annual budget process for changes.  All in favor and motion carries. 

10.     The next district meeting, other than the meeting/luncheon on October 1, has been tentatively scheduled for October 14 at 7pm at station 51.  If, at the October 1 meeting it is decided that we do not need to meet again that month, the October 14 meeting will be cancelled.  Kim will let everyone know. 

11.     The volunteer contract is still outstanding. 

12.     Chief Dutton announced that the $200,000 Build Indiana Fund money was approved by the state tax commission and will be used to purchase 800 mhz system for the department, as well as replacing three staff vehicles.  The Department was directed to pursue obtaining bids for the 800 system. .  Eric Brown requested permission to allow the department to pursue obtaining new staff vehicles.  Eric Reedy emphasized the need for getting the invoice first and submitting it to the state for BIF funds.  He also stated that he felt as long as each piece was less than $25,000 we would not be required to send out for bids.  (The vehicles the department is looking at will be on state bid price anyway.)  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Paul to allow the department to pursue leases of three staff vehicles so long as each vehicle is less than $25,000 and an invoice is obtained first and submitted to the state.  All in favor and motion carries. 

13.     There should be another $100,000 approved later this month.  When that happens, it will be placed in the cumulative fund

14.     Department presented it’s revised ten year master plan.  Butch directed Kim to contact Chuck and Jon and invite them to stop by the station and review this at their convenience as it pertains to both the immediate and long term future of the department. 

15.     Preliminary proposals for a feasibility study of Station 53 were received from both Quandt, Inc. and Prince Alexander.  Because of the vast price differences quoted, we are not sure that they are similar in services included.  This feasibility study would be reimbursable through the $150,000 BIF money we have already been approved for.  Butch suggested that Bill and Paul work with the department and bring a recommendation to the October 1 meeting/luncheon. 

16.     No further new business.  Meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.