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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
June 2, 1999 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Members Present:
Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger, Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, and Jon
District Employees Present:
Mike Dutton and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Members Present: Scott Alexander and Eric Brown.
Others Present: Brian Bosma and Eric Reedy.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes from meeting held 05/06/99 read.
Motion made by Paul and 2nd by Chuck to approve minutes as
written. All in favor and motion
3. Eric Reedy gave financial report.
Capital Projects Fund $ ,146,804.32 Key Bank
674,999.68 Key Bank - CD
21,089.78 NBD
Cumulative Fund 63,757.88
Debt Fund 18,690.95
General Fund 132,465.01
$ 1,057,807.62
Eric mentioned that we should review and discuss the budgets at the July
meeting. He also distributed a time
line for the 2000 budget. Attachment
A .
Chief Dutton issued a copy of a ’99 Projected/’00 Requested budget
which shows funding from the Build Indiana Fund. Attachment
B .
Eric will check to see if construction on a third station is necessary to
generate the needed CAGIT operating funds for 2000.
We want to be able to make an excellent presentation to the State Tax
Board when we do go to them for the station.
Chuck stated that he has concerns with the Department’s pursuance of a
third station in the area of SR37 and Smith Valley Road.
He suggested they should pursue co-staffing a station with Bargersville
Fire Department in the area of the High School.
Butch assigned Chuck & Paul to work with Eric Reedy on the financial
aspects of pursuing a third station and Bill & Jon to work with the
Department on creating a needs assessment study.
Scott Cassin included a preliminary proposal on the square footage
requirements for the new Headquarters. Attachment C .
7. Current projects update –
· Aerial: On schedule.
· Turnout Gear: Department has received it in good condition and has began distributing it to the employees.
· Station 52 Structural Problems: The Department has been given two options; crack monitors ($15 each) or installing support piers under the foundation ($1000 each). Everyone agreed that support piers would be our better choice. Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Paul to give Chief Dutton authority to spend no more than $6,000 out of the previously approved $15,000 which was appropriated for Capital Improvements. All in favor and motion carries.
· Storm Siren: Receiver should be in next week.
PMT: Chief Dutton
explained that he had sent a letter to Sonny & Retta Taylor (owner of PMT)
stating that Medic 52 was out-of-service most of the time and he suggested that
if they could not staff it, that they should remove it from our station.
We also have the option of canceling the contract if we choose to do so.
Chief Dutton stated that he will have more information at the next
District meeting.
Revisited ongoing discussions of Department work schedules and their
possible conflict with FLSA rules. Brian Bosma issued a memo to the District explaining all of
our options Attachment
D . He
stated that would be most comfortable if the Department chose to follow
the 40-hour work week rule, which they are already implementing.
Brian also stated that off duty runs made must go on their time card as
it counts toward the 40-hour week limit.
Discussion on the contract between the volunteer corporation and the
District. Scott Alexander, who is
the President of their Board of Directors stated that he had not had time yet to
review the contract. He will do so
as soon as possible.
Per Brian Bosma, we cannot appoint an official pension board until we are
accepted into PERF. However, we
must appoint two people who will act on the behalf of the pension board.
Motion by Bill and 2nd by Jon that those two people who will
act on the behalf of the pension board shall be Chief Dutton and Chuck
Shufflebarger. All in favor and
motion carries.
Chief Dutton distributed a letter to all District Board members from
career applicant Brian Griffith regarding his current position in the process. Attachment
E . No
discussion during open session.
At 2200 hours the District Board adjourned for a short break and
reconvened in an executive session where the following people were present:
Chief Dutton, Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger, Jon Raker, Bill
Patterson, Paul Kite, Eric Reedy and Brian Bosma.
Discussion on hiring process issues.
Motion by Bill and 2nd by Jon to extend conditional offers of
employment to the top three Battalion Chief candidates (listed in no particular
order) Mike Tibbetts, Jeremy Pell, and Scott Cassin and to proceed with the PERF
process. All in favor and motion
Motion by Paul and 2nd by Bill to table the hearing on
Lieutenants candidates until further examination of eligibility for PERF.
15. Meeting adjourned.