White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
May 6, 1999  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Members Present:  Butch Sutton, Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, and Jon Raker. 

District Employees Present:  Mike Dutton and Kim Clawson. 

Corporation Members Present:  Scott Alexander and Eric Brown. 

Others Present: Brian Bosma and Eric Reedy. 


1.        Meeting called to order at 7:06 p.m. 

2.        Minutes from meeting held 04/06/99 read.  Butch stated that two attendees need to be added (Joe Pagano and Brian Griffith).  Motion made by Paul and 2nd by Jon to approve minutes with that change.  All in favor and motion carries. 

3.        Eric Reedy gave financial report.

Capital Projects Fund                          $   819,011.40    Key Bank

                                                                       21,163.02    NBD

Cumulative Fund                                         63,757.88

Debt Fund                                                    18,690.95

General Fund                                             233,603.88

TOTAL                                                  $ 1,156,227.13


4.        Year 2000 budget needs to be finalized by the first part of June.  Chief Dutton needs the final amount from Eric Reedy to create the 2000 budget. 

5.        Motion made by Paul and 2nd by Jon to approve the additional appropriation to spend money from the cumulative fund for previously approved projects (ie: sewer work and storm siren).  All in favor and motion carries. 

6.        Update on current projects. 

Quint – Should arrive in December. 

Gear – Should arrive the third week in May.

St52 Roof – Project completed.

St52 Building – Research is showing that 2’ footers were used instead of the required 3’ footers. This is causing the    
            south wall of the station to suffer structural damage as the ground settles.  Alt & Witzig Engineering is still taking soil
            samples.  It is believed that a bracing system will solve the problems at a cost of approximately $4,000.  Brian Bosma
            stated that payment for this can be included as a cost of the transaction of gifting the assets to the District.

            Sewer – Still continuing talks with neighbor.  At this time it is believed that we will be able to tie into their system
            with the only cost being the purchase of a new pump large enough to accommodate both parties plus Greenwood’s

Siren – Receiver unit ordered and due in within the next week.  It is manually tested at 1100 hours every Friday. 
            Butch suggested placing personnel at the farthest corners of our district and see if they can hear the test.  He also                suggested having the Daily Journal write an article on it and ask residents to listen for it at the testing time and if they               don’t hear it to call the station. 

7.        Chief Dutton read the letter that he received from Senator Borst regarding an appropriation he received for us.  Brian Bosma stated that when we file for the appropriation, include in the request exactly what we are using it for.  (Attachment A) 

8.        Eric Brown distributed a list of working projects in our District at this time.  They are color coded and included potential Station 53 & 54.  (Attachment B) 

9.        PMT Ambulance owners mailed a letter to all District Members regarding the performance of Brian Griffith.  Chief Dutton was also shown at the bottom of their letter as receiving a copy but he states that he did not.  Brian Bosma spoke with Joe Pagano and determined the following:

a)       The owners never saw the contract that Brian Griffith signed with the Department.

b)       The company has lost over $56,000 in this arrangement because of the overuse of overtime.

c)       Medic 52 staffing problem.

d)       Brian Griffith’s removal from position of Director of Operations.

Chief Dutton stated that he would like the opportunity to respond to this letter on behalf of Butch.   He will call Butch when the letter is ready for review.  All in favor. 

10.     Brian Bosma is still reviewing the work rules regarding volunteer firefighters and has not come to a final solution.  He has determined that the corporation is not allowed to use the 212 work rule.  Solutions include:

a)       Everyone be regulated on a 40-hr week overtime rule.  51% of volunteers could not gross more than $10,000 annually.

b)       Make volunteers report directly to the District.  Could then use 212 work rule, but wouldneed to worry about “nominal compensation”.

c)       Volunteer board must be appointed by the Commissioners in order to be a public agency, then the 212 rule can remain. 

11.     Paul recommended someone that lives in our area to provide us a quote on insurance.  Chief Dutton stated that we have just renewed our current policies, but we would certainly be open to it next year at renewal time. 

12.     At a recent meeting conducted at the White River Library, local officials agreed that we need a White River Township Government Complex.  

13.     Brian Bosma recommended that we purchase title insurance costing $255 per $20,000 of coverage.  Motion made by Jon and 2nd by Paul.  All in favor and motion carries. 

14.     Next FPDB meeting will be June 2 at 1900 hours at station 51. 

15.     New salary schedule distributed.  Motion by Paul and 2nd by Jon to approve.  All in favor and motion carries.  (Attachment C) 

16.     Miscellaneous hiring issues:

a)       Pass PERF resolution after career personnel are hired.

b)       Appoint a Pension Board after we have entered PERF.  However, the District Board will need to pass resolution which allows them to serve as the pension board until the actual Pension Board is adopted.

c)       The actual Pension Board will be selected at the June meeting.

d)       A resolution has already been passed which allows the District Board to act as the Safety Board. 

17.     Contract between the Corporation and the District is on hold until other issues are finalized. 

18.     Full-time pension plan for personnel who do not qualify for PERF is #1 priority.  Chief Dutton is still waiting on information from Marge Buford. 

19.     The seniority issue for career personnel was tabled at the last meeting due to a tie vote.  Butch spoke with Chuck and Bill who would be in favor of a compromise instead of allowing them to carry their part time hire date over to the District.  Motion by Jon and 2nd by Paul that solely for the purpose of vacation, Battalion Chiefs each receive seniority as though they were starting their third year.  All in favor and motion carries.  Lieutenants will be discussed at a later date if necessary. 

20.     Revised benefits policy distributed.  Motion by Paul and 2nd by Jon to accept these policies, as written.  All in favor and motion carries.  (Attachment D) 

21.     Revised Safety Board document distributed.  Changes discussed.  Eric Brown’s  merit rank would be that of a Battalion Chief.  Brian Bosma suggested issuing Certificates of Appointment.  Motion by Jon and 2nd by Paul to accept Safety Board document as written.  (Attachment E) 

22.     The neighbor has started pursuing settlement for his portion of property that we have built our fence on.  Brian Bosma will contact Joe Pitcher to work out the details. 

23.     No further new business.  Next District meeting will be 6/2/99 at 1900 hours.  

24.     Meeting adjourned at 10:24 p.m.