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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
April 6, 1999 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Members Present:
Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger, Bill Patterson, and Jon Raker.
District Employees Present:
Mike Dutton and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Members Present: Scott Alexander.
Others Present: Joe Pagano, Brian Griffith, Brian Bosma and Eric Reedy.
Meeting called to order at 7:06 p.m.
Minutes from meeting held 03/10/99 read.
Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Jon to approve minutes as
written. All in favor and motion
3. Eric Reedy gave financial report.
Capital Projects Fund $ 819,011.40 Key Bank
21,163.02 NBD
Cumulative Fund 63,757.00
Debt Fund 18,690.95
General Fund 101,928.00
$ 1,024,550.37
Statute states that the 2000 budget must be adopted by September 2.
Eric advised that we should have an estimate prepared and finalized
during June.
No new business on purchase/delivery of the Quint.
Chief Dutton spoke with Dave Julian who was the architect for station 52.
Mr. Julian re-directed him to Alt & Witzig engineering, who will be
submitting a bid to Chief Dutton tomorrow.
No new business on purchase/delivery of the turnout gear.
Chief Dutton requested that the Board approve refurbishing the current
Tornado Siren at station 51. This
would be an extremely worthwhile cause for many reasons.
The only cost would be to purchase a receiver unit.
This unit would receive a signal when Greenwood activated their sirens
and, in turn, would activate ours
as well. Motion made by Bill and 2nd
by Chuck to spend $1368 out of the General Fund for this project which would
potentially be reimbursed by the Cumulative Fund. All in favor and motion carries.
Chief Dutton is trying to arrange a meeting between himself and our
neighbors to the West regarding their tie-in to the Smith Valley sewer project.
It may be possible for us to tie-in with them as well and solve all
septic problems at Station 51.
Chief Dutton originally signed the contract with PMT Ambulance.
Now that he is a District Employee, that contract is no longer valid and
it is up to the District Board to review and/or renew that contract.
Brian Bosma forwarded a revised copy of the contract to Brian Griffith
who will forward it to the owners of the company.
Scott Alexander stated that he would like to review the finalized copy of
the contract before it is signed by
both parties as it potentially affects the Corporation.
Chief Dutton and Butch Sutton met with Jeff Stainfield of the Jones &
Associates Insurance Company (E.S.I.P.). They have proposed to begin handling our insurance instead of
Maximum Benefits. Mr. Stainfield
owns majroity share of this company and is trying to focus on fire departments
and municipalities. They have
excellent programs such as ISO, Driver Training, etc.
Motion made by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to change all insurance
matters to Jones And Associates. All
in favor and motion carries.
Chief Dutton discussed our current standing in the hiring process and
distributed copies of the time line and qualifications for each position.
Chief Dutton has been invited by White River Township Trustee Dan Maple
to attend a meeting at the White River Library on April 10.
The Trustee and his advisory board will be in attendance to discuss
various items, including the proposed Government Center.
14. Discussion on the Seniority portion of the proposed policy manual. Jon spoke with Paul and proposes that the Battalion Chiefs be given 8 years seniority each, as that is the minimum level of experience that we are requiring. Chuck stated that he didn’t agree and that this much seniority will cause a scheduling problem when the employees take vacation time. [Currently, eight year shift employees will receive 168 hours (3 wks) of vacation.] On page ten of the policy manual, under seniority, the following changes were suggested:
- Remove section (B), in its entirety.
Add a new section (B) to read: “Unless otherwise specifically designated by the District,
seniority and benefits shall be based on the employee’s original Full Time
hire date with the District.”
Jon made motion that the
seniority of Battalion Chiefs be based on their hire date with the District and
be based on how they finish in the process.
2nd by Bill. All
in favor and motion carries.
also made motion that the three Battalion Chiefs receive vacation days
equivalent to eight years of service
based on the minimum requirements set for hiring.
2nd by Butch. 2
for – 2 against. Tabled until
next meeting.
stated that his only concern with this subject is that we have been discussing
the policy for all District employees for
at least six months and it this particular subject has
not been brought up for discussion until
Motion made by bill and 2nd by Chuck to establish, in our
Safety Board document, a Deputy Chief position as a member of upper level policy
making staff as our second level policy making position. The Battalion Chief
positions will be permanent and subject to interpretation of rules of the Safety
Board. All in favor and motion
Item 15 will cause certain necessary changes be made to the salary
schedule. Eric Reedy will make
these and bring to the next meeting.
17. Chief Dutton stated that with his appointment to the District, he was removed as the 5th Board Member of the Corporation. Recent elections have placed the following people in office:
President – Scott Alexander
V.President – Mike Hoffman
Secretary – Jeremy Pell
Treasurer – Scott Cassin
Member – Kevin Skipper
18. Brian Bosma advised that there are multiple interpretations of the various laws relating to volunteer firefighter work schedules. He is researching these in order to provide us an opinion.
Butch stated that after a
recent review of Roberts Rules of Order, he noted that a motion
is not necessary when meetings of this nature are adjourned (as we
have done in the past).
20. No further new business. Next meeting set for May 6, 7:00 p.m., station 51. Meeting adjourned at 10:18 p.m.