White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
March 10, 1999  ~  7:00 p.m.


FPDB Present:  Butch Sutton, Bill Patterson, Jon Raker, and Paul Kite. 

FD Present:  Mike Dutton , Scott Cassin, Scott Alexander and Eric Brown. 

Others Present: Brian Bosma and Eric Reedy.


1.        Meeting called to order at 7:09 p.m. 

2.        Minutes from meeting held 2/23/99 read.  Change item 8 to read “…architect was unable to find…”  (instead of fin).  Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Paul to approve those minutes with change.  All in favor and motion carries.  Minutes stand with change. 

3.        Eric Reedy gave financial report.

Capital Projects Fund                          $   819,011.40    Key Bank

                                                                       21,163.02    NBD

Cumulative Fund                                         64,886.38

Debt Fund                                                    18,690.95

General Fund                                             228,955.13    (228,976.14 - 21.01 appropriation error)


TOTAL                                                  $ 1,152,706.88 

4.        Brian Bosma says that in order to use the Debt additional funds, the executive may write a document to use the funds for like equipment or a basic capital expenditure. 

5.        Butch Sutton and Brian Bosma agreed that the cash out option of retirement for Kim and the Chief should be a Department issue. 

6.        Eric Reedy stated that the State Board of Accounts is currently performing an audit of the FPDB books for 1997-1998.  He submitted the information last week and the audit should be done next month. 

7.        The District needs to adopt the 2000 budget by August 1, 1999.  Notices should be posted ten days and three days before the hearing.  They will need their budget estimate by the end of June, 1999.  The Department’s budget should be to Eric Reedy by June 1, 1999. 

8.        Quint contract has been finalized and the truck should be delivered in mid-December. 

9.        Bunker Gear is on schedule and should still arrive in April. 

10.     Station 52 roof repairs status.  Pending weather but should be completed by the end of the month.  The company currently performing the repairs found that there was no ice/water shield installed at time of original construction and because of that we spent $5,000 in roof repair. 

11.     Station 52 structural problems, Bosma’s research found that Wilson-Blazek Corporation was dissolved on 1/1/93, however he was going to pursue finding the company that did the repairs on 2/25/93 and follow up the repairs with that company.  We have spent $10,000 to repair plumbing problems from original construction.  Bosma stated that before he can pursue obtaining a settlement from the company, we must first prove that ground settling is the actual problem which is causing these other problems.  He is researching some engineering firms to come out and evaluate the building and will forward his results to Paul Kite. 

12.     District Board gave Chief Dutton approval to pursue getting the cost together for tying station 51 into the sewer at Turfway Park. 

13.     Letter of Understanding for the Chief was presented.  Item 9 will be changed to show that the employee portion (6%) of his retirement will be added to the $1,200 tuition reimbursement.  Therefore, total annual tuition reimbursement for Chief Dutton will be $3,200.  There will also be language added to allow the Distict Board to annually review that benefit.  Letter of Understanding for Kim was presented and accepted by the District Board.  Motion made by Paul Kite and 2nd by Jon Raker to accept both letters of understanding, Chief’s with changes discussed and Kim’s as written.  All in favor and motion carries. 

14.     A resolution was adopted for appropriating fund to the Department budget for the amount paid out of the Department budget for Full Time, Over Time, Retirement and other benefits $8,941.49.  Motion made by Jon Raker and 2nd by Bill Patterson.  All in favor and motion carries. 

15.     Paul Kite made motion and 2nd by Bill Patterson to include $1,260.82, which is the payoff amount for accrued sick time for Kim and Chief Dutton, with the budget resolution.  Board agreed that new employees would start with no accrued sick time.  All in favor and motion carries. 

16.     Questions arose regarding what new employees would do if they were sick and had no sick time accrued.  Butch stated that it was Chief Dutton’s responsibility to administer the sick time policy. 

17.     Scott Alexander presented “Items To Consider During Transition”.  Attachment A.  Items for discussion included:

-          Butch will be addressing a letter to the Department explaining the separation of Department Business and District Employees.

-          2.1:  It will be mentioned in the Safety Board document that the Department will agree to the command structure of the District.

-          2.2:  The adoption of the current command tree will be in the Supplemental Agreement.

-          2.3:  Still need to resolve selection process and involvement of the Department.

-          2.4:  The Chief will define what positions the Department will provide to the District.  (i.e.:  60 compensated, 20 reserve).  The Department will present a budget for seven positions.

-          2.4.3:  The Chief, along with the District Board, will sign the contract for ambulance service.

-          2.4.4:  The Chief will be responsible for coordinating maintenance.

-          2.4.5:  The Department Board of Directors will be responsible for spending funds raised by the Department.

-          2.4.6:  Per Article 14 & 15 of the contract, any Department expenditures over $5,000 shall require prior approval of the District Board Chairman.

-          2.4.7:  Any Department business needing the District’s Administrative Assistant shall be approved by the Chief before being given to her.

-          3.1:  See Article 14 & 15 of the contract.

-          3.2:  FPDB will be the responsible party.

-          4.1:  FPDB will be responsible for all insurance.

-          5.1:  Brian Bosma’s interpretation is ‘no’.

-          5.2:  Brian Bosma is still researching.

-          5.3:  A third party company will be conducting the process. 

18.     Hiring process discussed.  Chief Dutton stated that in their meeting with Mr. Savitsky, that he stated the process can start May 1 with an eligibility list being available June 15.  Chief Dutton also discussed the benefits of hiring the first three Lieutenants at the same time as the first three Battalions.  This can be done utilizing the first six months of ‘saved’ Battalion Chief’s salary.  He discussed the costs saved by only having one process.  Paul Kite mentioned that he agreed, after the meeting the Mr. Savitsky, that the FPDB would benefit by doing both processes at that same time.  Motion made by Bill Patterson and 2nd by Jon Raker to allow them to continue on the present course and accept the contract made by IPSP.  All in favor and motion carries. 

19.     Eric Reedy will research the financial possibility of conducting both processes at the same time and will have the results before the next meeting.  Butch stated that a ‘quick crunch’ of the numbers indicated that both processes could be conducted at the same time but that the Lieutenants would not start until January.  A more definite answer will be give after Eric Reedy’s research. 

20.     Benefits.  Brian Bosma presented the Benefits Policy for review.  Each FPDB was instructed to read the policy and bring any comments/questions to the next meeting. 

21.     No further new business.  Next meeting set for Tuesday, April 6, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. at White River Fire Headquarters.  Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.