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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
February 23, 1999 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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FPDB Present: Butch
Sutton, Bill Patterson, Jon Raker, Chuck Shufflebarger and Paul Kite.
FD Present: Mike
Dutton , Scott Cassin, Scott Alexander and Eric Brown.
Others Present: Brian Bosma, Eric Reedy and Kim Clawson
Meeting called to order at 7:06 p.m.
Minutes from meeting held 2/6/99 read.
Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Paul to approve those minutes.
All in favor and motion carries. Minutes
stand as written.
3. Eric Reedy gave financial report. Attachment F shows the breakdown of the transfer from the Volunteer Contract to the Career Budget:
Capital Projects Fund $ 819,011.40 Key Bank
21,163.02 NBD
Cumulative Fund 88,199.54
Debt Fund 18,690.95
General Fund 278,687.85
$ 1,225,752.76
Budget order is in and has been adopted by the FPDB.
Attachment A.
Brian Bosma has been in contact with Tim Schwartz of Hoosier Fire
regarding Aerial contract, which seems to have been misplaced twice.
Brian requested that someone from the Fire Department contact Mr.
Schwartz regarding the status of the contract.
Turnout gear is scheduled to arrive in April.
Contractors met with insurance adjustors regarding the status on Station
52’s roof problems. The adjustors
have denied the claim so the contractors will be fixing only the area that needs
fixed, instead of replacing the entire roof.
Paul contacted the architect regarding the station 52 construction
problems. The architect was unable
to fin any bid documents. Brian’s
direction is for the Fire Department to find the contract or research the
building permit to determine builder’s actual name.
There may be some type of common law warranty that could be pursued.
Salary resolution presented for approval and signatures.
Motion made by Bill an 2nd by Chuck to approve resolution as
presented. All in favor and motion
Eric Reedy compared ADP and Accu Pay payroll services.
Both submitted similar bids, but ADP was slightly more than Accu Pay.
Accu Pay’s bid came back at $1,027.00.
Because the Department already has an established relationship with this
payroll company, it was felt that Full Time Salaries for the District be
administered through them as well. Motion
made by Chuck and 2nd by Paul to award the bid to Accu Pay. All in favor and motion carries.
11. Overtime policy presented and discussed. AttachmentB. Changes are:
- 212 hours in a 28 day cycle for shift personnel. (Instead of the original 56 hours per week.)
- For civilian employees, all comp time shall be banked as such up to 96 hours. Any comp hours worked over 96 shall be paid as Overtime on the employee’s paycheck.
Motion made by Chuck and 2nd
by Paul to accept overtime policy, pending these changes and final review by
Brian Bosma. All in favor and
motion carries.
Discussion on Kim’s comp time. Motion made by Chuck and 2nd by Paul to NOT assume
her current comp time bank (111+ hours) and to make an appropriation to the
Volunteer Corporation for the payoff amount of that comp time at her regular
rate, as it is accrued at time-and-a-half.
All in favor and motion carries. Brian
advised that check should be issued at the same time as her final check from the
Department on March 5.
13. Distribution of duties discussed. Brian stressed that, for liability reasons, the District must keep sight of Department functions/actions which directly affect the District, such as:
Time cards – Kim can verify that the District money is being spent for the hours claimed by employees by verifying time cards against the schedule and entering them into the worksheet. When the worksheet is printed, and before it is faxed to Accu Pay, a Department representative must verify the entries and sign the worksheet at the bottom. It was decided that Eric Brown would do that until he moved to the District 7/1/99.
Fee assessment – Eric can continue to assess the fees because he will continue to be a Department employee until 7/1/99. At that time, he will continue to assess the fees, but they will need to be verified by a Board Member from the Volunteer Corporation prior to being mailed.
Check signing – Department checks will be printed and signed by the
Department’s Treasurer and District checks will be printed by Eric Reedy and
signed by Jon Raker. Vouchers will
need to be completed for all District checks.
Discussion on Volunteer Contract. Scott Alexander stated that the membership would like to see
at least one designee from the Volunteer Corporation assist in the selection of
a next Fire Chief.
Discussion on Paramedic Stipend tabled until next meeting because it is
not a priority matter at this time.
It was decided that, until more substantial information could be
obtained, Chief and Kim should continue with their current health insurance
until at least 7/1/99. This will be
included in their Letters of Understanding.
Salaries discussed and copy of resolution attached.
Attachment C. Motion
made by Chuck and 2nd by Paul to approve as presented.
All in favor and motion carries.
18. Benefits policy revisited. Attachment D. Brian would like to approve the final copy of the beneifts policy when it is ready. Butch requested that, due to time constraints this evening, we table any items not immediately pertinent to Kim or Chief Dutton.
- Vacation. Be sure to notice that it is worded to show ‘after years completion’. Also, add something showing that <1 year = 0 vacation. Brian Bosma will add language to pro rate the time for those employees who are hired in the middle of the year. There will be an inclusion in Kim’s Letter of Understanding that she will keep her original hire date as part time employee for the Department of 8/10/92. There will be an inclusion in Chief Dutton’s Letter of Understanding that he will keep his original hire date as full time employee for the Department of 8/1/96. Motion by Bill and 2nd by Jon to approve based on these changes. All in favor and motion carries.
Pension. Chief Dutton’s
Letter of Understanding will include retirement benefits equal to 21% of the
First Class Firefighter’s Salary + Maximum Longevity to be applied to a plan
of his choice. Also, 6% will be
applied to life insurance and other benefits to be approved by the District.
Kim’s will include 15% of her salary to be applied to a plan of her
choice. Motion by Jon and 2nd
by Chuck to accept as written with inclusions on Chief’s and Kim’s Letters
of Understanding. All in
favor and motion carries. Motion
by Jon and 2nd by Bill to have the District pay the entire 27% of the
PERF allotment for career firefighting personnel.
All in favor and motion carries.
19. Hiring process discussion.
· Motion by Bill and 2nd by Paul to make the hiring process open to the public. All in favor and motion carries.
· Chief Dutton met with Jeff Savitsky last Thursday and has presented his proposal.
Attachment E. He will assess our needs and then write job descriptions/hiring processes based on his findings. We will save money by doing the Battalion Chiefs and Lieutenants processes at the same time. Brian said that this is legal, as long as a list is not kept for over one year. The plan is for the Battalions hired to start 7/1/99 and for the Lieutenants hired to start 1/1/00. Mr. Savitsky stated that we could use this same process to hire the second round of Lieutenants in the Fall of 2000 and save a substantial amount of money. He would still monitor that process.
Motion by Bill and 2nd by Chuck to authorize Chief
Dutton and Paul Kite to work with Mr.Savitsky to negotiate a contract between
his company and the District which would be brought to the next meeting for
approval and signature of the FPDB.
Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 10, 1999 at 7pm at station
21. No further new business. Motion by Jon and 2nd by Bill to adjourn the meeting. All in favor and motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 2220 hours.