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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
February 2, 1999 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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FPDB Present: Butch
Sutton, Bill Patterson, Jon Raker and Paul Kite.
FD Present: Mike
Dutton , Mike Hoffman and Eric Brown.
Others Present: Brian Bosma, Eric Reedy and
Kim Clawson
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes from meeting held 1/6/99 read.
Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Paul to approve those minutes.
All in favor and motion carries. Minutes
stand as written.
Minutes from meeting held 1/13/99 read.
Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Paul to approve those minutes.
All in favor and motion carries. Minutes
stand as written.
Butch asked that the minutes show an informal meeting held on January 11,
1999 for the purpose of receiving the bids.
Chief Dutton represented the District at that meeting.
5. Eric Reedy gave financial report:
Capital Projects Fund $ 819,046.41 Key Bank
21,163.02 NBD
Cumulative Fund 89,253.47
Debt Fund 18,690.95
General Fund 281,060.70
$ 1,229,214.55
Eric Reedy stated that there is an Indiana statute that requires the
District to make an annual report to the Johnson County Commissioners.
He has prepared this report and presented to FPDB for approval this
evening. Members reviewed and
approved the report and Eric will file a copy with the Commissioners.
Butch Sutton and Jon Raker met with Robin Corbin (Maximum Benefits &
Protection) to acquire insurance bonds. It
will cost approximately $200 per bond and Robin could not tell us what the term
of the bond is.
All change orders have been completed on the Aerial and according to a
fax from Mr. Schwartz (Hoosier Fire Equipment) the final cost is $695,683.
Butch asked Brian Bosma to confirm this number with his records and he
did. Butch will sign the contract.
The turnout gear has been ordered and is due in by March.
Donley was awarded the partial bid for $5,628 ($1 less than Morning
Chief Dutton discussed construction/building problems at station 52.
Approximately 8-9 months ago problems began with sewer system.
Carter Plumbing came out and read the building plans and determined that
numerous mistakes had been made. Chief
Dutton has had engineers out to look at the building and the south end of the
building is settling too fast. It
is believed that the architect was aware of the ground conditions at the time of
construction. We have recently had
two insurance claims on the roof and there will probably be more to come.
Chief Dutton asked what his course of action should be.
Brian stated that we should try to find the bid specifications and the
performance bond. Butch stated that
because his late wife, a former District Board member, was responsible for
recommending Wilson Blazek to build station 52, he feels that there is a
conflict of interest and abstained from comment.
He did direct Paul Kite to work with Chief Dutton on this issue and once
they have determined something to contact Brian for further direction.
Butch stated that March 1 is the target date to hire Chief Dutton and
Kim, and that July 1 is the target date for the Battalion Chiefs.
Chief Dutton asked if we formally needed to establish the safety board
before anyone was hired. Brian
advised that all that was needed at this time was to hire Chief Dutton in at a
permanent rank, then appoint him to Chief.
Per Brian’s recommendation, a motion was made by Paul and 2nd
by Bill that the FPDB would serve as the safety board, if necessary, until a
formal safety board was established.
Chief Dutton asked about the possibility of hiring the Lieutenants at the
same time we hire the Battalions, but with a later start date.
Brian stated that it will increase the District’s exposure to a lawsuit
and that any lists created needed to be based on a validated process which is
open to the public.
Butch stated that he would like the safety board procedures established
by May 30. Bill Patterson will work
with Brian Bosma on this.
Chief Dutton inquired as to whether the FPDB would buy back Eric
Brown’s previous year in PERF. Brian
stated that usually the only time this was done was if the employee would not
reach the age 55 in 20 years. As this is not the case, he recommended against it.
Butch stated that we must adopt a salary resolution at the next meeting
for Chief Dutton Kim, and the First Class Firefighter’s salary with longevity
(for PERF). A salary resolution
could be adopted at a later date for the Battalions.
Brian suggested that we wait until we adopt the resolution to enter PERF
to adopt the pension board. This
will probably be at the May meeting.
We need to have the hiring process developed and approved by May 1.
Chief Dutton feels that he is justified in having the first processed
closed. Brian suggests opening the process to the public and
conducting validated written and physical tests.
Validating a hiring process costs approximately $7,500.
Brian re-emphasized that the safest way for the District to avoid
liability is to completely open and validate the process, although it is the
more expensive way to go. Motion
made by Jon and 2nd by Butch that, due to the Battalions’ need of
familiarity with the department, equipment and personnel, we hire them in an
open process within the department. 2
for – 2 against. Butch assigned Paul Kite to work with Chief Dutton on
finalizing the hiring process with results being brought forward at the March
meeting for approval.
Butch stated that although “Employee Policies” is on the agenda for
tonight, they are not a priority at this time and will be postponed to a future
Mike Hoffman stated that he would work on the volunteer fire contract.
Chief Dutton was asked to determine a policy for issuing over time pay
for the full time personnel who are eligible.
Brian stated that legally, any fees collected, must stay with the
volunteer corporation. He also
stated that he believes only one person is required to sign the vouchers.
23. Policy 107, Benefits, was revisited.
- Tuition Reimbursement.
- Remove section D ‘exceptions’.
- Motion by Bill, 2nd by Paul to approve pending this change.
- Uniforms/Gear
- Motion by Bill, 2nd by Paul to approve.
- Health Insurance tabled until next meeting.
- Sick Leave.
- Maximum accrual for both shift and staff personnel will be 720 hours.
- Add that the employee must have a physician’s release concurrent with NFPA 1582.
- Motion by Paul, 2nd by Bill to approve pending this change.
- Holiday Leave.
Christmas will be either the day before or day after.
Not both. The Chief will
determine that each year.
No further new business. Next
meeting will be February 23, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. at station 51.
22. Motion
made by Bill and 2nd by Butch to adjourn the meeting.
All in favor and motion carries. Meeting
adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
1. Station 52 Design/Building Problems: Paul Kite, Mike Dutton, Brian Bosma
2. Safety Board: Bill Patterson and Brian Bosma. Deadline of May 30, 1999.
3. Hiring Process: Paul Kite and Mike Dutton. Deadline of May 1, 1999.
4. Employee Policies:
5. Volunteer Contract: Mike Hoffman.
6. Overtime Policy: Mike Dutton.
7. Benefits: Revisit final copy and approve.
8. Health Insurance: Butch Sutton & Mike Dutton.
9. Chief & Kim Retirement: Butch Sutton & Mike Dutton.
10. Salary Schedule: Jon Raker. Deadline of February 23, 1999.