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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
January 13, 1999 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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FPDB Present: Butch
Sutton, Bill Patterson, Chuck Shufflebarger
FD Present: Mike
Dutton , Mike Hoffman, and Scott Alexander
Others Present: Kim Clawson
Meeting called to order at 4:05 p.m. to review the one, partial bid
received from Donley for turnout gear. Donley bid the boots, gloves, helmet, and nomex hood at
$6,528 and Morning Pride bid it at $6,529.
After Chief Dutton consulted with Brian Bosma earlier today and Brian
feels that it should be awarded to Donley.
Because no complete bid was received, the partial bid from Donley will be
accepted and we will request quotes on the remaining items (coat & pants).
Motion to approve accepting Donley’s partial bid and requesting quotes
on remaining items made by Bill and 2nd by Chuck.
All in favor and motion carries. Chief
Dutton will contact Brian Bosma for further direction tomorrow.
Butch stated that he recently left a message for Johnson County
Commissioner Bill Walker to contact him regarding the County’s health
insurance plan. In the mean time,
he ran into Joe Pitcher (County Manager) who stated that he isn’t sure if
it’s possible to attach ourselves to the County’s insurance plan. He will
review further.
Chief Dutton distributed a copy of a list of goals that he has created
for 1999. Copy attached.
Butch asked everyone to review this list and see if there are any
additions to be made or questions to be asked before we move further.
This will be discussed at the next meeting.
Attachment A
Chief Dutton stated that the roof has resumed leaking at station 52, this
time taking out the interior of one wall in the station.
Utica’s engineer came out last year and stated that we needed a new
roof. His superior then came out
and stated that we did not. Chief Dutton is still pursuing this matter.
We will definitely need a new roof in the near future.
Construction at station 52 is almost complete.
Chief Dutton invited everyone to stop in and take a look at it once
it’s finished (sometime this month).
Chief Dutton distributed a copy of the Department’s year end budget
comparison report. Copy attached.
Attachment B
Next meeting scheduled for February 2, 1999 at 7:00 p.m.
Motion made by Chuck to adjourn the meeting.
2nd by Butch. All
in favor and meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m.