White River Township Fire Protection District Board
Meeting Minutes * Tuesday, June 3, 1997
White River Fire Headquarters
Board members present: Butch Sutton, Bill Patterson, Chuck Shufflebarger, and Jon Raker.
Fire department personnel present: Chief Mike Dutton, Captain Eric Brown, Kevin Skipper, and Mike Hoffman. Others present: Kim McKee and Eric Reedy.
Attachments: Fire Department 1998 Budget
Meeting called to order at 1906 hours by Butch Sutton.
1. Chuck read 5/27 minutes. Motion by Bill to accept and 2nd by Jon. All in favor & minutes stand as written.
2. Kim read 4/16 minutes. Motion by Bill to accept and 2nd by Chuck. All in favor and minutes stand as written.
3. Butch discussed tax board meeting. Brian Bosma wrote a letter was written to assure the commissioners that both boards were in approval on this. Their recommendation to approve debt assumption went to a three member tax board. It’s their vote that ultimately counts. Once they approve it they will issue a loan order. Looking at approximately 2 week time frame.
4. Eric Reedy mentioned that projectd 1998 revenues are $784,888. Chief Dutton will contact the fire department’s insurance company and determine the amount of insurance that the FPDB will take over when the assets are gifted. The insurance and maintence on the gifted assets will be in the Master Agreement.
5. FPDB is only discussing the FD 1998 budget tonight. July 31 is the actual adoption meeting. Chief Dutton presented the budget. It is 2% above the 1997 budget, as directed to be by Eric Reedy. Miscellaneous Income is contingent only on selling the Tanker and Rescue.
116 was more because full time Fire Marshal was added.
117 was more because two medics and third firefighter at st1 was added.
120 was more to reflect changes to full time personnel.
140 was more due to addition of more personnel.
443 reflects turnout gear.
6. Discussion on necessity of ALS service.
7. Fire department priorities which are not in the 1998 budget are new tanker and new rescue.
8. Article from Woody Burton recently appeared in the Star & News stating that money had been appropriated from the “Build Indiana” fund (lottery money). $125,000 to White River for equipment and $150,000 to White River for new station. This stems from a letter that Chief Dutton wrote to Mr. Burton last November. In order for FD to get this money, they must take a bill of sale to the Ways and Means committee. If they approve it, they will reimburse is for the amount. This is good for budget year 1997-1998.
9. Eric Reedy announced that for the budget to go through as fast as possible that it has to be advertised no later than the first of July.
10. Motion made by Chuck Shufflebarger to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Jon. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.