White River Township Fire Protection District

-  Meeting Agenda for Thursday, June 7th, 2007 -




I.                    Approval of Minutes from May 1st Meeting                  Board Members


II.                  Financial Update                                                                Chief Cassin


III.                Old Business          

A.     Station 51 building project update                                Kramer Corp / Senefeld & Assoc

B.     Fire Chief hiring process update                                  Jim Dodson / Paul Kite

C.    Fiscal Plan presentation                                                Chief Cassin / Steve Dyson

D.    Other old business


IV.               New Business

A.     Storm Siren Proposal presentation                              Jay Marks, White River Twp Trustee

B.     Future of the existing Station 51                                    Chief Cassin

C.    Other new business                                                       


V.                 Adjournment







Next meeting:  Tuesday, July 3, 2007