White River Township Fire Protection District

-  Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, December 6, 2005 -




I.                    Approval of Minutes from October Meeting    Board Members


II.                  Financial Update                                                                Chief Cassin


III.                Old Business          

A.     Station 51 project update                                               Senefeld & Assoc / Legal Counsel

B.     Station 52 project update                                               Senefeld & Assoc / Legal Counsel

C.    Health insurance discussion                                          Jeannie Salin

D.    Benefits Sub-Committee update                                  President Shufflebarger / Jim Dodson

E.     Radio grant QPA update                                               Legal Counsel

F.     Other Old Business


IV.               New Business

A.     Position opening presentation                                      Chief Thacker

B.     Tables and chairs presentation                         Chief  Thacker

C.    Set meeting dates for 2006                                           Board members                               


V.                 Adjournment


VI.               Executive Session







Next meeting:  To be determined