White River Township Fire Protection District

-  Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, September 7th 2004 -




I.                     Approval of Minutes from July Meeting                       Board Members


II.                  Financial Update                                                                Chief Tibbetts


III.                Old Business          

A.     Station 51 re-plat update                                               Tricia Leminger

B.     Station 52 remodel update                                            Senefeld & Assoc

C.    Other old business


IV.               New Business

A.     Corporation / FPD Consolidation                                 Tricia Leminger

B.     Health Insurance proposal                                             Lieutenant Smith

C.    Tactical unit equipment plan                                          Chief Slauter

D.    Other new business                                                       


V.                 Adjournment

A.  Meeting will be adjourned to an executive session to discuss personnel issues.