White River Township Fire Protection District

-  Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, June 1st, 2004  -





I.                 Approval of Minutes                           

A.  Approval of minutes from May meeting                             Board Members


II.                Financial Update                                                               

A.  Status reports                                                                Chief Cassin


III.               Old Business        

A.    Hiring of part-time personnel from Corporation                  Chief Tibbetts / Legal Counsel

B.    Other old business


IV.              New Business

A.    Explanation of tax system and revenue                             Steve Dyson


B.    Approval of contract for Alt Witzig for soil borings             Board Members

For the Heron Ridge property.

C.    Other new business               


V.              Executive Session

A.  Executive Session to discuss employee                            Board Members

               matters in accordance with I.C.
