White River Township Fire Protection District

-  Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, May 4th, 2004  -




I.                     Approval of Minutes from March Meeting                                Board Members


II.                  Financial Update                                                                           

A.  Status reports                                                                              Chief Tibbetts


III.                Old Business          

A.     Hiring of part-time personnel from Corporation                       Chief Tibbetts

B.     Station 52 and Station 53 projects                                           Chief Tibbetts

C.    Station 51 land & building project update                                Chief Tibbetts

D.    Radio tower upgrade proposal                                                 Chief Tibbetts

E.      Other old business


IV.                New Business

A.     Approval of receptionist candidate                                           Chief Tibbetts

B.     2005 Budget Draft Review                                                        Chief Tibbetts

C.      Other new business