White River Township Fire Protection District

-  Meeting Agenda for Monday, February 2nd, 2004  -




I.                     Approval of Minutes from January Meeting                Board Members


II.                  Financial Update                                                                            Chief Cassin


III.                Old Business          

A.      Outstanding insurance bill (Stainfield)                          Legal Council

B.      Vacation carryover for staff personnel                          Paul Kite

C.      Update on Olive Branch Rd property                                        Chief Brown

D.      Other old business


IV.                New Business

A.     Explanation of new budget (amended)                         Curt Coonrod

B.     Hiring process                                                                             Chief Thacker

C.    Receptionist hiring process                                                       Chief Tibbetts

D.    AED project purchase                                                                Lieutenant Hart

E.     Copy machine lease buy out                                                     Chief Tibbetts

F.      Other new business