Requirements for Commercial Developments

            The following are current fire code requirements for proposed commercial developments within the White River Township Fire Protection District.


  1. Plans for all commercial, industrial, multi-family or residential subdivision projects located within the White River Township Fire District are required to be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval. These plans shall be submitted at the following stages: Sketch Plan, Site Plan, Construction Plan and Fire Protection Systems Plans. These plans shall be submitted in a Paper and Digital Format.
  1. In apartment complexes, commercial and industrial developments, fire hydrants shall be spaced a maximum of 300 feet apart as measured by route of travel. Water supply requirements shall comply with the 2008 Indiana Fire Code, the White River Township Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance and the requirements of the Water Utility having jurisdiction.  Water layout plans are required to be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to construction.
  1. Fire hydrants shall be installed as per requirements set forth in the White River Township Fire Prevention and Fire Protection Ordinance.
  1. Fire hydrants shall be installed and made serviceable PRIOR to any combustible construction.
  1. Fire Hydrants shall be bagged to indicate that the hydrant is out of service, until which time it is tested, approved and placed in-service by the Water Utility.
  1. If the water utility having jurisdiction requires any changes that affect the placement and location of fire hydrants or water mains, revised plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval.
  1. Fire apparatus access roads shall comply with 2008 Indiana Fire Code Section 503 and the White River Township Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance.
  1. Fire apparatus access roads shall be installed, made serviceable and approved by the Fire Marshal PRIOR to the issuance of any building permits.
  1. During and after construction, fire apparatus access roads shall not be obstructed in any manner, including the parking of vehicles or storage of construction materials.  The apparatus access road shall have an unobstructed width of 20 feet at all times.
  1. Any development having one or more structure, three stories or greater in height or any development with three or more structures of any height shall be provided with two means of access from a street as approved by the Fire Marshal.
  1. Commercial & apartment buildings with a sprinkler system shall be required to have a fire department connection (FDC) located off the building at a location determined by the Fire Marshal. Within 50 feet of this FDC location there shall also be a fire hydrant installed to supply this connection as the location determined by the Fire Marshal.
  1. Commercial & apartment buildings with a fire alarm system or sprinkler system shall install an emergency access key box.  The key box shall contain keys necessary to access all protected areas of the building.


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