Cadet Program

            White River Twp Fire Department sponsors a Cadet program that consists of high school students that are eager to learn the skills of being a firefighter.  The program has been very active in the roll of training future firefighters for the department and for other career departments in and around the area.


          The program was established in 1977 to provide the area youth with the opportunity to see and experience firefighting first hand.  Cadets began doing simple duties such as cleaning equipment and apparatus.  They essentially were support for the fire department.  Over the years, through many growth changes, the cadets have played a much more vital support role.  Cadets were able to train and begin assisting fire fighters on the fire ground.  Today with appropriate training and supervision, cadets may take part in fire ground operations performing the less hazardous jobs on the fire and rescue scene.


          The cadets are involved with the Department just as much as the firefighters are and actively take Firefighting (NFPA Firefighter I & II) and EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) courses.  The department has a maximum enrollment of twenty (20) students which allows for better interaction between program advisors, who are also firefighters on the department, many of which were once cadets themselves.  


          Some of the cadets are able to attend Central-9 Vocational School in Greenwood.  Central Nine is a vocational technical school that offers basic firefighting and emergency medical courses to high school students and other young adults.  This education bolsters and enhances the skills they receive while in the cadet program helping them better succeed in post-program endeavors.

          Cadet members range in age from fourteen to twenty (14-20) years of age and are permitted to remain in the program for up to one year past high school graduation.  For further information about the White River Township Fire Department Cadet Program or if you would like to attend a meeting or Cadet Training, email the Lead Cadet Program Advisor by clicking HERE.   You can also download and print an application to the program by clicking HERE.





combs_and_cadets.jpg (67942 bytes) diminished_profile.jpg (67930 bytes)
Training at Station 53 Diminished Profile Training Cadets performing various tasks at a training site.

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