Current Event

August 19, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay hits

    I've been in Florida for less than two weeks and the first significant tropical storm in four years strikes Central Florida!  Tropical Strom Fay made its way into town earlier today and will persist for the next four days with driving rains, flooding, and gusty winds in the neighborhood of 50mph.  Fortunately, the power only went out for a couple of minutes and came back on.  No other other damage to the apartment or to the restaurant was noted.  Some photos and screen shot of the storm are below.  Note the zig-zag pattern it took as it crossed the state.  It was the first storm in recorded history to make landfall four separate times in the same state (Miami, Naples, Melbourne, and the panhandle).  The radar images follow the storm as it entered into Miami and throughout its entire course as it crossed the country finally exiting near Boston ten days later.





(Click on a thumbnail to enlarge photo)

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