Current Event

August 8, 2008

Florida's newest resident

    After sixteen hours of virtually non-strop driving covering 955 miles, I finally arrived in Orlando a little after midnight this morning.  I made a total of four stops along the way to top-off fuel, pick up a bite, and take care of mother nature.  On one of the stops I did get out and sit down at a Subway for about twenty minutes to relax a bit.  I only ran into two traffic problems on the way, one of which was a fifteen minute slow-down in downtown Atlanta and the other was an hour slow-down just outside of Orlando (which was frustrating being so close after driving so far).  The trip really wasn't that bad as it seems I spent most of it on the phone, which kept me from getting too bored.  And, several of my friends sent me on my way with plenty of food and good music to occupy the time as well.  Anyway, I spent most of today unloading the truck (twenty-three round trips up and down three flights of stairs! - Yes, I counted).  I spent the evening shopping at Best Buy buying a television and DVD player (you know, the important stuff) and then went grocery shopping.  I think I was done around midnight.  All-in-all, a pretty productive day.  Some pictures of the apartment are below.


(Click on a thumbnail to enlarge photo)

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