Current Event

June 19, 2005

A day in the park

    We started this Father's Day by watching Hope as Stacy and Dick worked and Dad and Bob went to an Indians game.  We first played with play-dough making different shapes out of cookie cutters.  We then flew a kite to an altitude of 600 feet.  I finally got the string all the way out when Hope said she was "done with this" and wanted to play with a rubber ball.  A half an hour later (after uncle Scott got the kite string wound back in) we played ball and then went to lunch.  I think this was the first time Hope ate nearly as much as I (a half slice of pizza and a stuffed breadstick!).  From there we went to a couple of new subdivisions and walked through a few new model homes that had just been built.  On the way back we stopped at the park for some "networking" with the other kids and some serious swing time.  After the park we went to get some much-deserved ice cream at Mrs Curl.  On the way back home from ice cream (and a mild temper tantrum), we stopped and walked through another new house.  We then followed that up with a light walk through the neighborhood.  Dinner finally ensued with the rest of the family at Applebee's at 7 o'clock.  All had a good time and I'm sure we'll all sleep well tonight.


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